San Giorgio a Ragusa: the program of initiatives

“Whoever believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his Name.” This verse from the Acts of the Apostles will characterize tomorrow’s liturgical program linked to the solemn celebrations in honor of Saint George the martyr, glorious patron of Ragusa.

The recitation of the Rosary is scheduled for 6.30pm on Wednesday 22 May, the Holy Mass at 7pm and, immediately afterwards, around 7.30pm, there will be the penitential liturgy. It should also be remembered, with reference to the recreational and cultural programme, that tomorrow, at 8pm, there will be the second edition of the “Memorial Mario Nasello” ping pong tournament. Furthermore, from 24 to 26 May, the exhibition “San Giorgio and Ragusa: a journey through faith, history and art” will be held at the San Vincenzo Ferreri auditorium. Patrizia Romano and Salvatore Cacciaguerra will exhibit. The name of Saint George is remembered in the liturgical calendar on 23 April.

His praise continues to appear in the new Martyrology and his memory is still present in the third and new edition of the Roman Missal. Officially, therefore, the Church presents George of Cappadocia (3rd century) as a martyr of Christ (around 303), honored in every part of the Church. On April 23, therefore, on the feast of St. George the martyr, the Christian faithful double their Easter joy, as reported in the Discourses of St. Pier Damiani, because in the life of the holy knight they have an example, in intercession a help, in the communion of grace a bond of brotherly love. Comforted by his testimony, they face the good fight of faith, to share the same crown of glory beyond death. Easter joy which for the people of Ragusa continues with the external celebrations of May.

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