Arms raised in the air in victory, for Federico Colonna and Yuri Colonna of Stefan – Grosseto Sport

Father and son together for the first time as absolute protagonists in the “Strette” trophy. It had never happened either in Maremma or elsewhere that the protagonists of the two departures were father and son. Federico born in 1972 and Yuri born in 1996.

The amateur cycling event, also valid as the fifteenth round of the “Corri in Provincia Uisp”, saw 97 runners from all over central Italy at the start, despite the concomitance of another event imported to Vetralla. As always, the event was organized by the Marathon Bike, Uisp and Avis team of Gavorrano & Scarlino, with the patronage of the Province of Grosseto, supported by Banca Tema and Daniele Bambagioni’s Sicurezza Team. In the first start the race was based on the initial breakaway of Mario Calagreti, Francesco di Costa and Daniele Cutroneo. The three resumed, Mario Calagreti still the protagonist who broke away from the group together with Yuri Colonna who passed him right at the end. Third place on the podium went to Alberto Turchetti. In the second start there was little to report other than the victory of his father Federico Colonna who repeated his son’s victory with an imperious sprint that left the group with no escape. Second place for Loriano Giannini and third for Roberto Maggioli. Then the awards ceremony with the positive surprise of Nado’s third anti-doping control in a few years. The surprise check in every sense, given that among the seven drawn, the three girls present were checked. It is the third inspection in 19 years of activity and 425 organized races. The first was upon reaching the 300 races, on 18 August 2021 at the Paesetto Trophy, the second after 8 months”. “This means – says Marathon Bike owner Maurizio Ciolfi – that we had to wait 17 years for the first doping control and three in the last three years. This sudden change of direction is good for everyone: for us organizers, for the people who follow us and obviously for the athletes.” “It means that the wind has changed – explains Ciolfi – we hope that the controls will continue at this pace and will actually be intensified”. “While on the one hand doping control involves a long and in some ways invasive procedure for the athletes selected, it is also true that it is necessary to give more transparency and credibility to our environment. The intent is obviously also to discourage those who look for shortcuts to get to a result by putting their health at risk” “Only by continuing like this will we be able to set an example for everyone and attract more and more cyclists to our races. Ours is an amateur sport and only through the fight against doping can we give space to the true sporting values ​​of the losers and winners and of the entire amateur cycling environment.”

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