“Newly established pharmacy: instructions for use”, the conference in Salerno on Sunday 26 May

The Order of Pharmacists of the province of Salerno, chaired by Ferdinando Maria de Francesco, has organized a conference entitled “Opening of a newly established pharmacy: instructions for use” for Sunday 26 May 2024. The event, which will be held at the Grand Hotel Salerno, was created with the aim of providing new pharmacy owners, winners of the recent extraordinary competition, with practical information on the procedures to follow for the opening of a new pharmaceutical branch.

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Representatives and institutions of the academic world

The conference, sponsored by the Campania Region, ASL Salerno, University of Salerno and Federfarma Salerno, will see the participation of numerous high-profile speakers. Among these, the lawyer. Antonio Postiglione, general director for health protection and coordination of the regional health system of the Campania Region, Dr. Ugo Trama, director of Uod 06 – Drug and device policy of the Campania Region, Eng. Gennaro Sosto, general director of ASL Salerno, Prof. Pietro Campiglia, director of the Pharmacy Department of the University of Salerno, Prof. Marialuisa Saviano, director of the Interdepartmental Pharmanomics Center of the University of Salerno, and Dr. Francesco Cristofano, president of Federfarma Salerno.

Meetings with potential partners from the pharmacy world

The day’s program includes, in addition to the morning conference session, also an afternoon session dedicated to one-to-one meetings with potential partners from the pharmacy world in the consultancy, financial, commercial and service fields. The session is an opportunity for new owners to get to know and delve deeper into the panorama of operators and professionals who revolve around the pharmacy. Participation in the event is open to all members of the Order, in the belief that knowledge is an asset to be shared and spread beyond individual personal needs. You can sign up and participate by opening this link.

  • 4553 – Opening of a newly established pharmacy – Detailed program

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