Rotary Club “Castellanza”, a project aimed at protecting the environment and health is born

Rotary Club “Castellanza”, a project aimed at protecting the environment and health is born
Rotary Club “Castellanza”, a project aimed at protecting the environment and health is born

A project aimed at protecting the environment and health was born from the collaboration between the Rotary Club “Castellanza”, the ETS Blood Diseases Foundation / Niguarda Hospital in Milan and the Palio di Legnano ETS Foundation. The “Castellanza” Rotary Club, which has always been sensitive to these issues, in recent months has created a synergy with FMS, the Blood Disease Foundation, an ETS that was founded in 1998 to help the development of the Hematology department of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan.

For some years, the Foundation has been promoting the collection of plastic and cork bottle caps, in order to raise funds to support the Hematology patients of the ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda in Milan and to contribute to research against oncohematological diseases .

The “Castellanza” RC, on the initiative of some members, therefore accepted the idea of ​​taking action in the area for this meritorious objective. As always, the network is the basis of all our projects. We therefore opened a discussion with the Palio di Legnano Foundation, which, through its Board of Directors, immediately proved to be particularly sensitive to the issue, accepting our proposal to coordinate the collection of corks on the occasion of the Sunday of the Palio at the Mari stadium.

The turnout data of recent years and the current regulatory framework which prohibits the sale of closed bottles at public events, creates an optimal situation, guaranteeing the contribution of several thousand pieces, which will be collected by the “Castellanza” volunteers and given in the FMS ETS collection facilities.

A project as simple as it is impactful which strengthens the historic relationship between the Rotary Club “Castellanza” and the world of the Palio, a relationship started many years ago by our member Alessandro Centinaio with the College of Captains (the gift of the caparison to the “athlete horse” in occasion of the Provaccia), which continues the commitment of many of our members with their daily actions, but also with initiatives like these.

Satisfaction from the president of the Palio di Legnano ETS Foundation, Mariapia Garavaglia: “The Palio Foundation wants to be increasingly linked to the territory and its excellence. In 2024 we have increasingly extended our action to cultural themes and well-being. Trying to increasingly reduce our environmental impact and, at the same time, supporting research against onco-haematological diseases is an excellent combination that has pushed us to promptly accept the invitation from Rotary and the ETS Blood Diseases Foundation.”

President Nicola Zeni is in full agreement: “Rotary has always been a beacon of social commitment and community service. In Legnano it is natural to involve not only the many companies and trade associations, but to look at that incredible heritage that is the Palio. This first step of our new service allows us to intervene not only on the environmental issue, but also on the healthcare one, which is very dear to us, by supporting, through FMS, a very prestigious institution such as the Niguarda hospital. Thanks to the Palio Foundation for the sensitivity, timeliness and effectiveness demonstrated.”

Luca Vezzaro

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