Do you work on the beach? They don’t happen, in fact they do. What a mess the restyling in Portonovo is

ANCONA – Dribbling yes, no. Perhaps. A communication mess at Palazzo del Popolo: first the announcement of the intervention in mid-June. The day before yesterday…

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ANCONA – Dribbling yes, no. Perhaps. A communication mess at Palazzo del Popolo: first the announcement of the intervention in mid-June. The day before yesterday the about-face. Finally, the clarification from the Councilor for Public Works, Stefano Tombolini: «We will restore the beach in the stretch of beach south of the Tower by moving beach material longitudinally with respect to the shoreline and transversely to level the surfaces. , by spreading and redistributing the accumulated material”.


The mystery is solved. Just to stay on topic: a “shift” of responsibility. It would seem like a misunderstanding between the offices. In any case, the picture is now clear. “The intervention will be carried out after mid-June in low tide conditions – explains Tombolini -, without ever entering the water and at night after 9pm so as not to disturb beach activities”. Problem solved, but the day after the storm Portonovo woke up yesterday morning with the beaches eaten by the waves. Things went worse on the southern side, where sand and pebbles were transported from the Shed to the Tower, leaving the factories short of space. So much so that at Capannina the owner Maurizio Sonnino was ahead of his time, he independently and at his own expense leveled his concession area.

The restoration

«We are doing our best – he says -. The goal is to try to be ready as soon as possible to give an answer to our customers.” The announced intervention «had never been done on this side of the bay – explains Paolo Bonetti of the establishment of the same name -. So let’s welcome it, but in the meantime we equip ourselves with the beaches that the last storm gave us. From today (yesterday for those reading, ed.) we have started to arrange a few rows of umbrellas – continues Bonetti -. We want to be operational by next week.” With the unknown, however, of the upcoming weekend. «The forecast has predicted bad weather – he continues -, but there shouldn’t be any further storms». The biggest problem will be ensuring adequate spacing between umbrellas. «There will certainly be less space than in other years, but nothing that could cause inconvenience to customers» assures Michele Giacchetti of the establishment of the same name.

The proposal

Operators, therefore, roll up their sleeves and aim to offer their service in the best conditions. «But we need to find a structural and long-term solution» specifies Bonetti who takes interventions carried out elsewhere as an example. «Like in the Cinque Terre, for example – he explains – where they have applied soft barriers to protect the coast». It all depends on whether the Conero Park would authorize this type of solution which, as yet, is not even being examined by the competent bodies.


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Adriatic Courier

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