It’s raining in the Musp of the musical high school. Disturbances for teachers and students – L’Aquila

It’s raining in the Musp of the musical high school. Disturbances for teachers and students – L’Aquila
It’s raining in the Musp of the musical high school. Disturbances for teachers and students – L’Aquila

THE EAGLE. A student with his eyes on the score struggling with the performance of a piece and a teacher who corrects him if he gets stuck. A bucket in the center of the room divides them, because the ceiling leaks. Scenes of ordinary pedagogy at the Liceo Musicale del Cotugno, where students and teachers find themselves having lessons in a Musp (via Ficara) which has evidently had its day, amidst brushwood outside and infiltrations into the classrooms. A situation that is even more jarring when compared with the quality of the teaching offered, such as to make it, to date, one of the most virtuous realities on a musical level in the area. Just think of the many projects carried out, including musical salons in collaboration with the European Youth Orchestra (Euyo), a purpose-built network for the dissemination of music, relations with the Conservatory and the musical middle schools of the province, up to training of the AQinCrescendo orchestra and activities with international artists. And while L’Aquila prepares to carry the scepter of capital of culture, who knows what pianist Arthur Rubinstein would think when he saw where the future musicians of what he defined as the Salzburg of Italy are being trained. The high school has also been waiting for some time for the soundproofing of three classrooms. (tdb)

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