Demonstration in Naples “for an Italy capable of a future, for a just and supportive Europe”.

Demonstration in Naples “for an Italy capable of a future, for a just and supportive Europe”.
Demonstration in Naples “for an Italy capable of a future, for a just and supportive Europe”.

The Main Road“, coordination of 160 organizations and associations, will be back on the streets in Naples on May 25thfor an Italy capable of a future, for a just and supportive Europe”. “The Constitution – we read in the appeal released today in view of the demonstration – continues to be our political program: for democracy, for peace, for the climate, for social justice, for decent work, to give a sustainable future to this country”. The procession, whose concentration is scheduled for 1.30 pm in Piazza Mancini, will then parade through the streets of Naples until reaching Piazza Dante where speeches from the stage will be held. Below is the full text of the appeal of “La via maestra”:

More than 7 months have passed since the national demonstration on 7 October: the international and national situation has become dangerously worse.
□ The risk of a generalized war in the world is increasingly strong. In Gaza, the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan and other areas of the world, the carnage and the arms race continue and spread.

□ There is no reversal of the trend on climate change, on the contrary, steps are being taken backwards while victims and damage increase, affecting the most fragile people, workers and territories the most. The ecological transition must be governed to make it socially just, based on a new quality of work and development.

□ The European Union, instead of being a factor of peace and progress, risks losing its role of inclusion and cooperation and with the pact on migrants and asylum it also loses its humanity.

□ In Italy the attack on the unity of the country, on the Constitution and on democracy is called differentiated autonomy and direct election of the Prime Minister. This deepens inequalities and undermines democratic participation.

□ Free information, the freedom to demonstrate, the right to dissent, the autonomy of the judiciary are under attack from growing authoritarianism. The role of intermediate bodies is debased and denied.

□ The social and economic situation is increasingly serious, work is increasingly precarious especially for young people and women. Enough with deaths at work: we need to radically change the current system based on contracts and subcontracts and invest in health and safety. There is a wages and pensions emergency, inequalities and poverty are growing, welfare – starting from the right to health, education and housing – is increasingly defunded, progressively dismantled and weakened by privatisations. Tax evasion is not combated and instead regressive interventions such as the flat tax are implemented. Social and civil rights, starting with those of women, are at risk. Instead of investing in the just transition and new industrial policies, resources are wasted on useless works such as the bridge over the Strait. The government does not give the answers that are needed: instead of counteracting these trends, it determines them. This is why on MAY 25th we return to the square
Our country needs participation, the role of social and trade union organizations, of citizens who come together for the common good. The Constitution continues to be our political program: for democracy, for peace, for the climate, for social justice, for decent work, to give a sustainable future to this country. Our proposals are in continuity with the event on 7 October 2023:
we ask for concrete policies, timely responses, rapid initiatives to build

Registered in the register of journalists of Basilicata.

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