The boys of Tpl San Rocco 85 win the Under 18 championship of Csi Cuneo – The Guide

The boys of Tpl San Rocco 85 win the Under 18 championship of Csi Cuneo – The Guide
The boys of Tpl San Rocco 85 win the Under 18 championship of Csi Cuneo – The Guide

The Tpl Volley team of the sports club won the first Under 18 Men’s volleyball championship organized by the CSI of Cuneo. San Rocco 85 asd. The boys, coached by Paolo Lopatriello And Alberto Gallinogained direct access on the court to the national final phase scheduled in Cesenatico from 29 June to 3 July, winning 2-1 in the third set (partials: 25-23; 22-25; 25-14), the last decisive one regular season match against Cervasca, second in the standings just two points behind before the last day of the championship.

The team, set up at the last moment last autumn also drawing on two players from the Under 16 Mixed team (born in 2008) to complete the squad, was a gamble for the entire volleyball sector of the club, as some members were already in the Under 18 Mixed team (which played for the title in the play-off against Cervasca – fate – on a neutral pitch on 22 May) and coach Lopatriello followed two teams throughout the season, Under 18 Male and Under 16 Mixed.

Furthermore, two players from the first team that won the provincial Under 18 Men’s championship of the CSI of Cuneo also played throughout the year in the historic formation of Tpl Volley San Rocco, which has been the protagonist of the Open Men’s championship for over thirty years, where she won 5 provincial championships, 6 Piedmont Cups and was twice national vice champion. For the Sanrocco soul of the “Tpl”, the connection with the men’s Under 18 was an investment in the future of the team, as in the next season the doors of the Open championship will open for 4 players from 2008 as they will no longer be able to compete in the championship Under 18, not to mention that the registry doesn’t work in favor of some members of the Open team.

TPL SAN ROCCO 85 UNDER 18: Leonardo Aleotti, Simone Arneodo, Pietro Ghibaudo, Paolo Lerda, Filippo Lopatriello, Giacomo Pepino, Jacopo Majorano, Federico Sciandra, Andrea Gallino, Andrea Sciolla. Coaches: Paolo Lopatriello and Alberto Gallino.

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