bad weather damage and forecasts in Lombardy

The day after the heavy rains in Lombardy the damage was assessed: the most flooded areas were the municipalities of Bellinzago and Gessate, where an Esselunga supermarket was also invaded by water.

The Esselunga of Gessate flooded

The sun returns to Milan. The day after the heavy rains in Lombardy, however, the damage caused by the bad weather was taken into account. There were many floods due to the flooding of the Lambro and Seveso rivers but, as the Milan firefighters explain, the interventions were mainly concentrated in Bellinzago where the streets of the town were submerged by water: here the citizens of the town in the province of Milan had to deal with cellars and cars submerged by heavy rain. Here firefighters and law enforcement rescued several residents.

In the same town as the Milanese, the carabinieri of the station Gorgonzola they intervened for take children out of school now flooded: the soldiers entered a classroom where notebooks, tables and chairs were already floating. “They couldn’t get out,” she told the policeman Giada Milito. And then she added: “The ground floor was completely submerged. But the little ones were calm. The teachers made them believe it was all a game, and they entrusted themselves completely to us.” In fact, Gessate and Bellinzago Lombardo were at the center of yesterday’s bad weather and here there was considerable damage. The residents were all rescued and firefighters recovered basic necessities, such as medicines and clothes, from their flooded homes.

The intervention to rescue the children of a school submerged by water

The intervention to rescue the children of a school submerged by water

The Esselunga of Gessate flooded

In Gessate the Esselunga supermarket was surrounded by water. In a video published on social media you can see the lanes flooded with water. Rescue services were immediately activated to try to save the products inside, but much of the goods will have to be thrown away. Even in this case it was impossible to prevent the water from entering the premises: the rain fell too hard and for too long.

Milan and Lombardy weather: it will still be uncertain weather for days

Gessate and Esselunga flooded

Gessate and Esselunga flooded

The damage of bad weather in the Milan area

In the rest of the Milan area the situation was under control. The firefighters monitored the via Vittorini bridge the entire time, but fortunately there were no consequences. He fell in via Solari a tree on a tram line with complete interruption of the section: in this case too, no one was injured or involved in the fall. And again: “one of the most obvious signs of the damage caused by the flood – explain the firefighters – is the collapse of two bridges over a minor watercourse Trobbia torrent in the municipality of Cambiago one in via della Rocca and the other in via Piave”. Due to these collapses, a riding stable and about ten residents were isolated for a few hours.

A tree fallen due to bad weather in via Solari in Milan

A tree fallen due to bad weather in via Solari in Milan

A man dies after falling into a stream in Cantù

Unfortunately, the most terrible news comes from Comasco where a 66-year-old man lost his life in Cantù yesterday Thursday 16 May. According to what has been reconstructed so far, around 6pm the man was on a small bridge in the Fecchio area, above the Serenza stream which at that point takes the name of Galliano canal. Due to the heavy rains, the torrent swelled, causing the bridge on which the 66-year-old was standing to give way and thus causing him to fall into the water. The man was in the company of two of his friends: however, once in the stream they managed to reach the shore, while unfortunately the 66 year old Mario Porro did not make it. The man was dragged away by the current. His body was found this morning, Friday 17 May: it was under some shrubs. Maybe he had stayed trapped without being able to free himself. According to an initial analysis by doctors, he drowned.

The body of Mario Porro found under this plant

The body of Mario Porro found under this plant

A train overturns due to strong winds in the Mantua area

A violent storm of rain, wind and hail yesterday 16 May caused a freight train to overturn from the tracks Borgo Mantovano. “In many years as mayor I had never seen trains overturned due to the wind”, commented the mayor Alberto Borsari in a post on Facebook And then he added: “Really heavy situation, luckily no one was hurt.” In this area the wind also uncovered several homes, while some buildings were flooded such as the RSA in Revere. There were no casualties.

Overturned train in Borgo Mantovano (photo by Alberto Borsari - Facebook)

Overturned train in Borgo Mantovano (photo by Alberto Borsari – Facebook)

The other interventions of the firefighters in Lombardy

Meanwhile a How the city feared the lake would flood. However, fortunately everything was under control: a lane of the road was cordoned off lakeside in Como due to road flooding. The same thing didn’t happen to Varese. Here the lake flooded and swallowed some banks. Today, Friday 17 April, the level reached 239.48 metres, above full flood level (238.75) and obviously above hydrometric zero (238.25).

A LoRemoval of stuck logs. Bridge of Lions, Monzadi instead has been confirmed a landslide under the SS9 ring road at the hospital exit junction. However, the road did not give way. In total, there were 130 interventions in the province: mostly the exits were due to falling trees or flooding.

Landslide under the ring road in Lodi

Landslide under the ring road in Lodi

TO Monza instead the firefighters took action to remove the logs stuck under the Ponte dei Leoni causing the swell of the stream. TO Bergamo however, there were 37 interventions in total: also in this case due to flooding and falling trees.

The intervention of the firefighters in Monza

The intervention of the firefighters in Monza

Yellow weather alert for water and hydrogeological risk in Milan

The Natural Risk Monitoring Center of the Lombardy Region has issued a yellow alert for hydrogeological and water risk until midnight today, Friday 17 May. The Municipal Civil Protection Operations Center will also be active for monitoring the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers.

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