Biella at the top, Romans 60th. Analysis by the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Study Center

Biella at the top, Romans 60th. Analysis by the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Study Center
Biella at the top, Romans 60th. Analysis by the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Study Center

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Are the Biellese the most “prudent” people in Italy, with a propensity to save 15.4% of their disposable income in 2022. Followed by the inhabitants of Vercelli (13.8%) e Asti (13.1%). While on the opposite side to Ragusa, Crotone And Syracuse families manage to put aside only 4.6% of their income. This is what comes out of the first survey that quantifies the propensity to save of families at provincial level, carried out by Guglielmo Tagliacarne Study Center.

While you have to scroll to the eleventh place occupied by Genoato find the first metropolitan city for propensity to save, followed in twelfth position by Milan. Romehowever, is placed in 60th position, although up four positions compared to 2019. Naples is in 78th place. But looking at the ranking of household savings in absolute values, Milan is at the top, “chased” by Rome and Turin.



Saving capacity, the national average is 8.4%

Overall, it’s al Northwest that the population shows a greater ability to save (10.8%), compared to a national average of 8.4%, with peaks of 11.1% in Piedmont“followed” by Lombardy (10.8%) and fromEmilia Romagna (10.1%), which undermines the Liguria slipped to fourth position compared to 2019. Those who find it more difficult to set aside a small nest egg for the future are, however, residents in the South, also due to lower income, and in metropolitan cities where the higher cost of living probably weighs heavily.

“Piggy banks” are fuller in the North, less so in the South

The geography of savings therefore confirms the distances between the North and the South, primarily the result of the different amount of disposable income. In the top 20 positions in the provincial ranking of Italians’ propensity to save, 19 are from the North. While on the opposite front, 18 southern provinces occupy the last 20 positions in the ranking. However, in Southern Italy as many as 16 provinces recorded a recovery of positions in the ranking for propensity to save compared to 2019, among which the cases of Bari and of Materaboth with a recovery of seven positions.

In small provinces the propensity to save is higher

From the survey it emerges that it is in the smaller province that the greatest propensity to save is recorded, so in the first ten positions of the relative ranking we find Biella, Vercelli, Asti, Modena, Varese, Alexandria, Pavia, Novara, Piacenza, Cremonai.e. provinces which in the majority of cases do not exceed 400,000 inhabitants.

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