an evening with Mario Agostinelli for a new look at the climate crisis

an evening with Mario Agostinelli for a new look at the climate crisis
an evening with Mario Agostinelli for a new look at the climate crisis

With “Laudato Si’, nothing in this world is indifferent to us”, the event between words and music which brings together Coop Lombardia, Libera Varese, Anpi Busto Arsizio and Filarmonica Santa Cecilia di Sacconago members is renewed on Tuesday 21 May on the occasion of Republic Day . Furthermore, for the second time, the event is part of the initiatives of the festival of the San Filippo Neri oratory, “Under the roof that unites us” (10-26 May) in collaboration with the Manzoni Theatre.

The initiative, scheduled in the room in via Calatafimi 5, at 9.15 pm, sees Mario Agostinelli as the protagonist to talk about the environment and give voice to the words of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’”. The speaker of the evening, currently President of the Laudato Si’ Association, was active in the student movement during his University years, participating closely
to ’68-’69 Milanese. After graduating he worked as a chemical-physical researcher for Enea at the JRC in Ispra. In 1974 he became a trade unionist and organized 150-hour courses for the FLM, then in the textile union, finally in the CGIL Lombardia of which he was general secretary from 1995 to 2002. In 1987 he led the referendum battle for the “No to nuclear power” . On the floor
international has been operating for years in the World Forum of Alternatives and in the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre. He is spokesperson for the Global Contract on Energy and Climate.

Thus, for the event scheduled at the Teatro Manzoni he will bring his experience and his reflections to raise awareness among the public present in the room regarding increasingly hot and current issues such as the climate crisis, respect for the environment that surrounds us and social justice. As usual, Agostinelli will be accompanied, between one speech and another, by the notes of the Sacconago Philharmonic conducted by Marco Ferrario.

«Due to the socio-environmental crisis at a global level, a change on both a personal and collective level is necessary and urgent, starting with lifestyles. – comments Libera Varese – Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ analyzes the situation in which we live and suggests some lines of orientation and paths for dialogue. Mario Agostinelli will guide us in discovering the depth of the encyclical towards an integral ecological conversion. In fact, the Libera Association believes that environmental justice and social justice are the essential conditions for living in peace and in a world free from mafias.”

«The tradition of the concert for the Republic Day organized by the Filarmonica Santa Cecilia of Sacconago, with various associations, including ANPI continues – comments the president of ANPI Busto Arsizio, Liberto Losa –. This year’s initiative is dedicated to love and care for the earth which constitutes the wonderful habitat – but now exposed to serious risks – in which the life of all humanity develops. It is an invitation to be aware of an absolute priority – the commitment to safeguarding the planet – which affects the entire world and at the same time the behavior of each of us. Moments of reflection on these themes, in dialogue with Mario Agostinelli, will be accompanied, as always, by pieces of the extraordinary music of Filarmonica Santa Cecilia”.

The Santa Cecilia Philharmonic Orchestra of Sacconago adds: «Like every year, close to the Republic Day, we propose to organize, in now historic collaboration with Anpi, Libera and the Coop Busto A. Cassano M. Members’ Committee, a cultural event, where words and music are intertwined, with the aim of bringing social issues to attention. This year the theme of the environment, with the authoritative testimony of Mario Agostinelli, allows us to give voice to the words of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, because “Nothing in this world is indifferent to us”.

Free entry while seats last. Tickets available at Colorificio S. Michele (via Quintino Sella, 18) and Stationery Ul Carté (via PR Giuliani, 5).

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