Only 6000 souls live there but it won the award as City of Cheese 2024: this mountain village in Sicily is attracting tourists

Only 6000 souls live there but it won the award as City of Cheese 2024: this mountain village in Sicily is attracting tourists
Only 6000 souls live there but it won the award as City of Cheese 2024: this mountain village in Sicily is attracting tourists

Discovering Vizzini, a small village located in the Catania area which, in addition to being known for its cheeses, was the birthplace of Giovanni Verga

L’Italy it is always a continuous discovery. Even for those who visit it often there will always be new and particular places that will have the power to amaze us and leave us speechless. There Sicily is a more than fitting example.

Many associate the sea and pristine beaches with the beautiful southern island, but in reality there is much more. The problem is that many tourists don’t know about it the pearls of the hinterlandbut fortunately thanks to modern means of communication they are becoming much better known.

A small town deserves a special mention 6,000 souls from the province of Catania located at the foot of the Monte Lauro. This location has in fact received the award of “City of Cheese 2024”a title that is awarded annually to places that can boast an excellent dairy tradition.

The title was awarded last April 24th byOnaf (National Organization of Cheese Tasters) and brought prestige to the entire region. In fact, with this statement the number of Sicilian cities in the medal list rises to five.

The prestigious recognition of “City of Cheese 2024”

Vizzinithis is the name of the hamlet in question, therefore equals Santo Stefano Quisquina (2020), Novara of Sicily (2021), Enna (2022) e They enjoy it (2023). What gives prestige to the Catania village are its extraordinary ricotta, provola and canestrato, which is a hard cheese made from pecorino milk or even mixed with goat’s milk.

Also defined as the location of the hundred essences due to its perfect mix between its volcanic origin, the presence of multiple lands where plants can be grown and animals raised and the smell emanating from the ricotta, which until a few decades ago, once produced, was exported to many areas of the country.

Scale Vizzini (Depositphotos) –

The town of birth of Giovanni Verga and which inspired his works

Vizzini, however, is also famous for being the place where one of the greatest exponents of Italian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries was born, namely Giovanni Verga. A place that inspired the pioneer so much Realism who in those years gave life to works that are still handed down today.

From “Rosso Malpelo” to “Master Don Gesualdo” passing through the novella “Nedda” there are many creations by Rodwhich is naturally one of the prides of the town, which can now openly boast of its own as well culinary tradition which can be savored in all its essence during the “Ricotta and Cheese Festival” which is held every year towards the end of April.

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