Unpli Basilicata Aps “Pro Loco” elective assembly on Sunday in Matera

MATERA – The Unpli Basilicata Aps elective assembly “Pro Loco: Belonging and passion for one’s territory” has been convened for Sunday 19 May, at the Basilicata Open Space in the Palazzo dell’Annunziata in Matera, in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, aimed at the renewal of managerial positions of the Regional Committee for the 2024/2028 mandate. After the start of the accreditation of participants scheduled from 9.30 to 11.00, the assembly will open. The President of the Unpli Basilicata APS Regional Committee, Vito Sabia, will introduce the event. This will be followed by institutional greetings from Domenico Bennardi, Mayor of Matera; Antonio Lionetti, Pro Loco board member of the city of Matera; Piero Marrese, President of the Province of Matera; Andrea Bernardo, President of ANCI Basilicata; Antonio Nicoletti, General Director of APT Basilicata. Finally, the word to some Pro Loco Unpli representatives: Rocco Lauciello, President of UNPLI Puglia; Filippo Capellupo, President of UNPLI Calabria; Tony Lucido, President of UNPLI Campania; Antonello Grosso La Valle, national councilor of UNPLI Calabria; Antonio La Spina, UNPLI National President. At 11.15 there will be the presentation of the candidates with the polls opening until 12.30, then the counting operations will begin with the proclamation of the newly elected President together with the regional councillors, the national councilor and the members of the control body and the Board of Arbitrators. New to this new mandate is the transition to ten councilors instead of six.

The UNPLI Basilicata APT firmly constitutes a point of reference at a regional level for the 83 Pro Loco affiliates present in the Basilicata area. There are forty-five Civil Service offices active to date with an ongoing civil service project which sees around 80 volunteers involved; an important number for the inhabitants of Basilicata. The Pro Loco affiliates of UNPLI can take advantage of numerous local and national agreements, which can be consulted in detail on the official UNPLI website. There are also thousands of advantages for citizens who activate the annual Pro Loco member card affiliated with UNPLI, thus contributing to the continuous evolution of a world which involves over 600,000 associated citizens in the national territory divided into the 6,200 Pro Loco associations and which allows them to be active part in terms of supporting the promotion of history, tourism, traditions and culture; in unison throughout Italy.

The sponsors of the event are: the Basilicata Region, the Basilicata APT, the Province of Matera, the Municipality of Matera and the Pro Loco Matera.

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