Vicolo della Neve, the rebirth in Salerno in the name of tradition: «A unique place will return»

Vicolo della Neve, the rebirth in Salerno in the name of tradition: «A unique place will return»
Vicolo della Neve, the rebirth in Salerno in the name of tradition: «A unique place will return»

The symbols of the new will be a parrot and a devil Snow Alley which will open its doors at the end of the month. The historical the place welcomed the last customers on 25 October 2020. Then, between closures imposed by Covid 19 and some ailments due to the age of the last patron, Matteo Bonavitathe restaurant celebrated by the poet Alfonso Gatto it remained behind closed doors for almost four years. The works of restyling are in full swing and were accompanied by an in-depth study carried out by the three new owners, Fiorenzo Welcome, Gerardo Ferrari And Marco Laudatoyoung entrepreneurs successfully engaged in the world of food and wine.

Among the curiosities that have come to light in recent months, the most interesting is certainly the one linked to the famous man painting by Tafuri which adorns an archway in the kitchen. There are four elements that compose it: a male and a female figure, for years confused with Trotula and San Matteo. «Actually – he says Welcome – going back to their grandchildren, we discovered that they were two regulars that Tafuri wanted to immortalize in his painting. The parrot was the one that in the 1940s was left free at the entrance to recite the menu, while the devil depicted the kitchen fires». A story that will come back to life, because the stylized parrot will be displayed on paper menus, while the devil will decorate the uniforms of the restaurant operators. The intervention, entrusted to the company of Massimo Bevilacqua and the Apt5 architecture studio of Giovanni Mondillo, Mario Pompele And Ernesto Valituttiplanned the creation of a new bathroom for the disabled, housed in a part of what was the ancient hall. The most delicate work was to recover all the bricks of the columns, using a particular lime that allowed them to be read, thus preserving their memory. Of course they inserts of Roman origin they were left on display just as an old refrigerator cell which represented the soul of the structure was restored. Ceilings and floors will remain as they once were and, which will please all lovers of vintagethe grenade tiles marked by black and aqua green diamonds that for decades have made the Vicolo kitchen iconic, they have been partly recovered and partly reproduced by Pinto ceramics in the spirit of what was one of the most popular decorations in the 1950s. A steel wall, then, will act as a mirror, to allow those who cross the threshold to immediately dive into the atmosphere of the past, thanks to the reflection of the columns and the painting.

“It will be a dialogue between the ancient and the modern – anticipates Welcome – We didn’t want to do anything Alley a museum, but respect its history and its past, because for decades it was a unique place where you could breathe a particular atmosphere.” A place of culture, first of all, which is a candidate to once again become a literary circle, thanks to a group of writers, intellectuals and artists involved by the owners: Diego De Silva, Corrado De Rosa, Alfonso Amendola, Edoardo Scotti, Massimo De Divitiis, Yari Gugliucci, Ciro Romano, Massimo Cerulo, to which new generation musicians will be added, including rappers. Not even the menu will undergo any upheavals: we will return to enjoying it pasta and beansThe I chirp (so called because it cost 500 lire), the stuffed pepper, the Arrecanato cod. But there will also be some new entries, such as the Genoese, the ragù, the golden and fried anchovies, mussel soup, larded pasta. Ancient flavors which, in these days, are being experimented in the kitchen with the help of Mrs. Maria, Gerardo’s grandmother, who has decided to make the knowledge and flavour once upon a time.

The Alley it will never close, not even one day a week. And it will always remain open noon to midnightto allow tourists, but also Salerno residents who don’t have too rigid habits, to have lunch and dinner when they see fit. Escarole and glass of wine at five in the afternoon? Why not. Indeed, he was the first to apply Diego De Silva who has announced that he will make the Alley his own happy retreat.


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