Open Studi Aperti is back, architects talk about themselves in BAT too: registrations for professional studies have started

Collective exhibitions but also individual initiatives throughout Italy to show how indispensable the role of architecture and of those who work for the care of cities and territories is. Open is back again this year as in 2017! Open Studies is the initiative conceived by the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators and dedicated to the Orders of Architects throughout Italy. BAT will also join the initiative as it has for the past seven years. From 31 May to 1 June, therefore, there will be various events collected in a single calendar which will allow architecture studios to be opened in meeting spaces with citizens to dialogue, discuss, exchange opinions and attend activities that characterize the daily work of professionals.

In 2023, the Order of PPC Architects of BAT was one of the most active with a two-day event that involved the entire province in collective and individual events. This year too, the objective is to confirm this central role of the BAT Order thanks to the involvement of many professionals in this field. «The invitation, therefore – explains the Arch. Andrea Roselli President of the Order of Architects PPC BAT – is for colleagues to register on the website by filling out the registration form and also communicating to our secretariat the event you intend to organise. The role of the studios is crucial to ensure that there is a careful focus on our profession and on the importance of the quality of the project and the spirit of service to the community that characterizes the work of Architects”.

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