The Province of Viterbo makes the competition rankings available

The Province of Viterbo once again alongside the Municipalities of Tuscia. The provincial body, after having strengthened the internal staff units with seven new permanent professional figures, has decided to make its competition rankings available to the Municipalities of Tuscia.

The objective is to concretely help local authorities in Tuscia, especially the smaller ones, so that they can proceed more quickly with the hiring of permanent staff. By drawing on the competition rankings made available by the Province of Viterbo, the Municipalities will in fact be able to avoid holding internal competitions themselves and having to bear the costs which, especially for smaller bodies, are particularly burdensome on their budgets. The rankings made available by the Province of Viterbo concern 7 permanent professional profiles: administrative officer, technical officer, economic-financial officer, administrative and management services instructor, technical and environmental instructor, economic-financial services instructor, professional surveillance collaborator road. Municipalities interested in drawing on these rankings for their own internal hiring will simply have to request it from the Province of Viterbo, with which an agreement will be stipulated. After which it will be possible to proceed with the permanent hiring of these professional figures, thus reducing costs and timescales for local authorities. «There is no administrative machine that can function efficiently without adequate staff units – commented the president Alessandro Romoli – This is why as provincial administration we have been proceeding for some time to strengthen both our internal and external staff serving in the Municipalities of Tuscia . This denotes the team spirit and collaboration between the provincial body and the local bodies in the area. More staff in the Municipalities means more widespread, widespread and efficient services for citizens.”

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