on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Piazza Loggia massacre Flc CGIL gathers its general assemblies in Brescia

on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Piazza Loggia massacre Flc CGIL gathers its general assemblies in Brescia
on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Piazza Loggia massacre Flc CGIL gathers its general assemblies in Brescia

Brescia at the center of a collective reflection on the role of schools and teachers: on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Piazza Loggia massacre, the general assemblies of the Flc Ggil will meet here: national, Lombard and Brescia.

Five of the eight victims of the massacre – Giulietta Banzi Bazoli, Livia Bottardi Milani, Clementina Calzari Trebeschi, Luigi Pinto, Alberto Trebeschi – were teachers enrolled in the then CGIL school. “It could only be that those teachers were there, militants in a dramatic historical moment, which saw the advance of black terrorism throughout the country” underlines the Federation of Knowledge Workers in a note. “And we can only be there, too, today, to remember, in a solemn and collective way, those who died in that terrible circumstance and in particular our companions enrolled in the CgiL Scuola”.

The general assemblies will thus meet on May 27th at the “Benedetto Castelli” Higher Education Institute in Brescia, “to reflect on a historical event that has profoundly marked the history of our country and to also question ourselves on the role of public schools and of teachers against any intolerance and any neo-fascist resurgence with the contribution of scholars, journalists and representatives of the national and city trade union world”. In addition to the general secretary of the Flc Cgil, Gianna Fracassi, the writer Benedetta Tobagi, the journalist Paolo Berizzi, Tomaso Montanari and Rosy Bindi will speak. The intervention of Manlio Milani, president of the association of the families of the fallen in Piazza della Loggia, is also expected; while the conclusion of the work will be entrusted to the general secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini. The latter will also take part in the official commemoration in Piazza Loggia on 28 May, which this year will also see the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

The memory of the massacre will also see the setting up of a documentary photo exhibition, entitled “They could only have been there”; last but not least, during the day the winning schools of the Proteo – Flc Cgil competition “Towards May 28th, on the 50th anniversary of the Piazza della Loggia massacre” will be rewarded.

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