In Matera a new ‘light that caresses the stone’ – News

In Matera a new ‘light that caresses the stone’ – News
In Matera a new ‘light that caresses the stone’ – News

There are 900 new LED light points out of the over ten thousand installed in Matera, in the neighborhoods and villages, with the energy sustainability project ”The light that caresses the stone”, activated by the City Green Light company, as part of a agreement with the municipal administration to redevelop and optimize the urban and peri-urban lighting publication network.

This was learned today in Matera during the presentation of the project, which is affecting the ancient tuff districts, with the aim of enhancing their use. Speaking about it were the mayor of Matera, Domenico Bennardi, Arturo D’Atri, business development director of City Green Light, Pietro Laureano, architect and urban planner, UNESCO consultant, the municipal councilor for public works and innovation, Angelo Cotugno and Cecilia Putignano (Engineering & technical services director of City Green Light).

”It is – it was said during the meeting – a 360 degree sustainability, which affects not only the reduction of consumption and light pollution (with a strong impact both on the visibility of the starry sky at night and on the fauna ) but also on the ‘liveability of the city’, because lighting has a very strong impact on the perception of safety, and can make the urban environment more usable even at night”.

Among the services developed by City Green Light for Matera, there is also a system specifically designed to facilitate mobility for the blind. On the sidelines of the presentation, an exhibition was inaugurated on the new lighting network of the Sassi entitled “Rekindling the imagination. Paths of light between past and present” curated by Ivan Moliterni, director of the Ombre Meridiane school.


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