Manifattura di Legnano, Brumana rejoices: «The council thinks again, historic buildings saved»

Manifattura di Legnano, Brumana rejoices: «The council thinks again, historic buildings saved»
Manifattura di Legnano, Brumana rejoices: «The council thinks again, historic buildings saved»

LEGNANO – The valuable but unprotected historic buildings of the Legnano factory are safe (featured in the image above, taken from a 1951 painting). The news was given by the municipal councilor of the Citizens’ Movement Franco Brumanawhich safeguarded some buildings in the vast abandoned industrial complex in the city center a battle, complete with a committee, signature collection and a number of interventions in the commission and in the city council.

For Brumana, however, what was achieved was thus achieved it is only the first objective of his battle. He explains it himself in a post published on social media today, Thursday 16 May.

«Incurable contradictions in the PGT»

«The boarding school, the kindergarten, the church and the theater of the Manufacturing are safe – writes the Legnano civic councilor – and they will not be demolished to create a square and some public greenery. It is necessary to read very carefully the council’s counterarguments, which will be brought to the next municipal council, because they are expressed in bureaucratic language that is difficult to understand. It is clear that the junta she wanted not to be too explicit in admitting that she had changed her position: he wrote that he “partially accepted” the observations, but what interests us is the result and not the council’s communication strategy.

«We had highlighted the contradiction between the provision to free the area from the buildings and what was foreseen in a plan of the rules plan, which recalled the art. 24 of the same plan, which prevents the demolition of the buildings in question. Now the counter-deductions explicitly recall these provisions and provide for reporting the outline of the buildings to be preserved in the plan of the Manufacture’s sheet, which qualifies as buildings “to pay attention to”: an anomalous and ugly expression, but we reiterate that we are only interested in the result.”

Next step: Avoid overbuilding

Yes, the result. «We won and convinced – the well-known lawyer and former councilor from Legnano sums up – and now we thank all those who committed themselves and did not give up in the face of the rejection of the amendment to the PGT and the absurd and hostile statements from the mayor, the councilor, the majority councilors and the technician who had the task of drafting the Pgt. Now we must pursue the second objective, which is to avoid excessive construction within the Manufacturing complex, which would distort this monumental complex of enormous historical, cultural and identity importance of our city. The comments presented in this regard were rejected, but we do not give up and we will put pressure on the Superintendence to require compliance with the correct volumetric ratios and good visibility of historic buildings.”

legnano manifattura pgt superintendency – MALPENSA24

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