”Adriana Poli Bortone bridge between tradition and innovation for Lecce”

”Lecce, a city that flourishes in the heart of Puglia, is therefore ready to make an important choice for its immediate future. The 2024 municipal elections are upon us, leading to a series of crucial questions for its citizens. Who will lead our beloved city in the coming years? What will be the priorities of the local administration? And above all, what vision will guide this path? Among the candidates in the running, as many know, a prominent figure now emerges: the Hon. Adriana Poli Bortone. With a long and illustrious political career behind her, she embodies the very essence of dedication to public service and community. However, there is an element that is capturing the attention of younger people: the perception of a generation gap between the candidate and the youth fabric of the city”. This was stated in a speech by the lawyer Francesca Conte, candidate of Io Sud.

”This concern cannot be overlooked – he adds – but it is essential to look beyond appearances and analyze the political and institutional profile of Adriana Poli Bortone. Her experience and expertise are undeniable, but what is equally important is her ability to adapt to today’s times and the emerging needs of our society. Adriana Poli Bortone is not only a custodian of the traditions and values ​​that make our city unique, but she is also a convinced supporter of progress and innovation. If you are elected mayor, you will commit to carrying forward a political agenda that is in step with the times, embracing new technologies and promoting a young and dynamic renewal in city politics”.

”Lecce cannot afford to be left behind in the panorama of contemporary cities. It is essential that our municipal administration is able to adopt innovative strategies and creative solutions to meet the challenges of an increasingly technological future. And Adriana Poli Bortone is the right person to lead this change. Her commitment to the future of Lecce is not limited to the surface, to an empty populism or hypocritical civility. You have demonstrated with concrete actions that you are ready to work hard to improve the quality of life of your citizens, investing in key sectors such as culture, the environment and roads, and of course economic development”.

”For young people who fear that their future may be neglected, I want to reassure them: with Adriana Poli Bortone at the helm, Lecce will have a leadership that will understand and value the contribution of the new generation. She will be a “mayor” who listens, because she wants to listen and dialogue, who involves and who acts with determination to create a bright future for all her citizens, regardless of age. The 2024 municipal elections are a crucial moment for the destiny of Lecce. It’s time to look forward with confidence and determination, knowing that we have the opportunity to choose leadership that combines the best of the past with the challenges of the present and the opportunities of the future. Adriana Poli Bortone is ready to be that bridge between tradition and innovation that Lecce deserves and needs”, concludes the lawyer Conte.

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