Piedmont Regional Elections, the program of Cirio’s centre-right

Password: Growth. But also freedom, solidarity, Dutiesas well as rights, family and Europe. You are spoiled for choice, we could go on. Each divided into seventeen themes: from healthcare to school, from transport to work, from culture to tourism. Let’s talk about program of the center-right coalition for them regional elections of 8 and 9 Junepresented by Fdi, Lega, Fi, Noi Moderati and Cirio Civic List, moderate and liberal President of Piedmont, in support of the presidential candidate Alberto Cirio: 70 pages with the breakdown, topic by topic, of what has been done in the last five years and , the most interesting part, about what we intend to do.

The future for transport and infrastructure

The common denominator is the representation of a region that after decades of immobility has started to move again: «We ask for the trust of the Piedmontese, strengthened by the work done in these five years and with the aim of completing the many projects started. In recent years Piedmont has unblocked itself and started again”. «In particular in infrastructure, in the GDP which is growing like that of Italy and in employment which today records objectively increasing data compared to the past and also compared to the national average. Tourism and industrial competitiveness are growing and, despite the difficulties that still exist, the healthcare numbers, after years of negative, are back to having a plus sign”, explains Alberto Cirio, president of the Region and candidate for the second term at the helm of the coalition centre-right.

“Healthcare on the right track”

Healthcare comes first, with the program already presented in recent days by the working group that supports the outgoing governor: «We know that there are still many critical issues to resolve, because recovering in a short time, and with the pandemic, the cuts that have taken place over the last 15 years is very complicated. We started doing it and the numbers tell us that we are on the right track. After five years of our government, Piedmont has more healthcare personnel, more beds, fewer people who choose other regions for treatment and an unprecedented healthcare construction plan. With the new exam booking system – which will replace the seriously lacking and problematic one inherited from the centre-left whose contract expires in October – we will finally be able to offer exams and services closer to home and speed up the process of reduction of waiting lists».

The family at the center of the recovery plan

The central block of the program is dedicated to competitiveness with chapters on the economy, industry and production activities, simplification and digitalisation, infrastructure, mountains, agriculture, trade and crafts, culture, tourism and sport. The third block is dedicated to security and legality, civil protection and internationalisation. Among the main proposals: the plan for the family, which provides a fund for the start-up of families and projects for youth autonomy and the strengthening of measures to encourage birth rates and family-work conciliation.

Free travel for students under 26

To make Turin and Piedmont increasingly attractive for young people and students, the Student card which allows free travel to all students under 26 with an experiment starting from Turin and then extending to the other cities of Piedmont, and the maximum commitment to full coverage of university scholarships is confirmed, with the possibility of revocation in case in which the beneficiaries become involved in crimes against the police or against public goods.

Larger allowance to support vulnerable people

To support vulnerable people, the program includes theincrease in the fund allocated to Scelta Sociale with the aim of progressively increasing the monthly allowance, without prejudice to the coverage of those entitled; the activation of on-call transport services for people who need to reach hospitals. The activation of a fund to support the income of workers who find themselves on layoffs for many months and the strengthening of active and professional training and retraining policies are envisaged.

Public housing. job sites for the unemployed

The program then includes the activation of job sites for the unemployed for the maintenance of public housing, social concierge projects and free wi fi in ATC homes. Support and attraction of business and work are the cornerstones of the chapters dedicated to attractiveness and economy with a series of “facilitating” measures such as taxation and supply chain finance for emerging sectors, such as wood and green technologies; the confirmation of the IRAP reduction programs for companies investing in Piedmont and the creation of a mixed capital fund for the protection of SMEs.

Reopening of abandoned railway lines

Completion of the plan for large and small infrastructure works, many of which in 2019 were blocked, or without money, and today are underway or close to completion. The commitment to strengthen rail transport was then confirmed with the progressive reopening of disused railway lines: the Cuneo-Saluzzo-Saviglianoin 2025, and the start of works to allow the reactivation of the Ceva-Ormea in 2028.

Sports voucher

To improve the efficiency of public administration and the sharing of experiences at the service of Municipalities and associations, the establishment of a database of good practices, to talk about activated projects that can be an example for other realities. And again i sports vouchers, for deserving children, and the inclusion of workplace safety among school subjects.

“Sustainable proposals”

In short, everything and more. But with a view to concreteness, Cirio specifies: «Ours is a serious program with sustainable proposals, for citizens and for administrations, with the aim of continuing the work of these years».

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