Teramo. Drugs and dealing in the darkness of Piano Solare..

Teramo. Drugs and dealing in the darkness of Piano Solare..
Teramo. Drugs and dealing in the darkness of Piano Solare..

We have been writing about some Baby Gangs in Teramo since 2015. Those good guys have grown up and given space to other good guys. Those articles and news reports of ours were almost covered in ridicule, despite the images and despite the testimonies.
Do you remember? The destruction of a downtown business ; theft and damage https://www.iduepunti.it/14-01-2019/video-teramo-mano-alle-baby-gang-altre-due-auto-con-i-vetri-frantumi; the killing of a duck at the Villa Comunale https://www.iduepunti.it/04-04-2019/baby-gang-uccide-una-papera-alla-villa-comunale-di-teramo; the throwing of stones at a lady saved by a councilor https://www.iduepunti.it/22-09-2021/teramo-baby-gang-lancia-due-pietre-contro-una-signora-salvata-da-un -ex-councilor; we tried to find an explanation by interviewing the psychiatrist, Domenico De Berardis,
Some of Those Good Guys who were arrested by the Teramo Carabinieri in an operation that bears their name, and yet, the emulations continue and grow without pause.
Monday evening a news story and the story of an elderly lady.
A group of kids in the evening darkness of Piano Solare. Kicking and punching each other and drug use and dealing. She didn’t call the police out of fear and because she lives alone. On the ground the usual worn out syringes and a lot of social anger.
Let’s help each other by collaborating with the institutions. Those guys need to be reported.

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