the presentation of the new book by Mario Gregorio Modestini

the presentation of the new book by Mario Gregorio Modestini
the presentation of the new book by Mario Gregorio Modestini

Off we go presentation of the latest poetic work of the renowned composer and writer Mario Gregorio Modestinientitled “Falsetti”, Abbozzi cantabili.
The meeting will be held in Palermo at l‘Historical ArchiveThe May 17th at 5pmand is part of the initiatives of the “May of Books 2024“, under the theme “If you read you lib(e)ri”, promoted by Municipality of Palermo – Area of ​​Culture, Tourism, Sport and Youth PoliciesOffice of Libraries and Ethnoanthropological Spaces.

The author will be accompanied by illustrious figures and friends such as Gaetano Basile, Piero Longo with moderation Giusi Patti Holmes, with the presence of the producer and publisher Francesco Panasci of the Panastudio group.

The book “Falsetti, Abbozzi Cantabili” represents an intimate journey through Modestini’s multifaceted passions, which navigates music, poetry and narration with a subtle and penetrating irony. Also known as “Musicus et Magister”, Modestini has always combined his profound musical erudition with a fervent interest in literature and philosophy.

During the presentation, Mario Gregorio Modestini will share anecdotes about his career and discuss the role of poetry and music in an era marked by great social and cultural challenges.

In Falsetti, Abbozzi Cantabili, the author explores the dissonance between the original title and the content of the work, reflecting on his own life and career with a mixture of seriousness and self-irony. The book is configured as a collection of “licking dedications” which, in Modestini’s words, serve to “survive… everything”.

During the presentation, Mario Gregorio Modestini will share anecdotes about his career, including his meeting with the legendary Neapolitan singer Mirna Doris, and discuss the role of poetry and music in an era marked by great social and cultural challenges.

A moment of aggregation between music, literature and art enthusiasts, an invitation to participate in this unique meeting with one of the most multifaceted artists of our time. Entrance is free while places last. Mario Modestini – A unique voice that sings the complexity of existence.

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