«Between Alba and Turin there is now a future for 103 young people» – www.ideawebtv.it

«Between Alba and Turin there is now a future for 103 young people» – www.ideawebtv.it
«Between Alba and Turin there is now a future for 103 young people» – www.ideawebtv.it

Tomorrow, Friday 17 May, at 6.30 pm, in the Conference Room of Palazzo Banca d’Alba, in via Cavour 4, in Alba, the presentation of the “Work Projects” will be held, a solidarity initiative created with the support of the Friars Minor Piedmont Onlus, which in recent years has allowed over 100 young people, mostly foreigners, to find employment. To learn more about the project – its roots, its main objectives and future prospects – IDEA magazine interviewed Fra Mauro Battaglino, superior of the convent of Sant’Antonio in Turin, born and raised in Vezza d’Alba, councilor of the Friars Minor Piedmont Onlus and creator of the aforementioned initiative”.

About six years ago, Fra Mauro started a project to help young people find homes and jobs. How did the idea develop in his time?
«The idea comes from two poles. The then bishop of Turin, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, had asked us as Friars Minor of Turin to pay particular attention to young people. Starting from this assumption, many young people, mainly immigrants, have begun to frequent our listening center. Comparing ourselves with them, it immediately became clear that one of the most frequent requests was to have a job.”

So, is this how your initiative started?

«I felt like proposing to the Friars the possibility of including some kids in an experimental work plan. Since before entering the convent I was an employee of Nutkao in Canove di Govone, thanks to the availability of Mr. Giuseppe Braida, who was the owner at the time, I started this project with them. First we gave the kids a house in the area near the company so that they could go to work by bicycle or on foot, without too many problems. From then on, we Friars committed ourselves to looking for other companies that would collaborate with us in order to introduce other young people into the world of work. Continuing along this path, all the numbers increased.”

Specifically, to date, how many kids have found their path thanks to your project?
«Between Alba and Turin, to date there are one hundred and three. The project was created to give dignity to people, through work, but also to allow them to move from a condition of welfare to autonomy. We have cited some numbers: among these there are at least fifty young people who have gone independently, nine of whom have taken up a home with a mortgage. Furthermore, by finding a place, these kids distance themselves from the dangers of the street and from the possibility of a life that isn’t too correct, from the underworld by which they could be lured.”
What are the main sectors in which they have found employment?
«They were hired by businesses belonging to different sectors: from cleaning companies to production companies – such as Ferrero, which collaborates with us -, passing through the field of labour. Some of the kids, then, already had specific skills because they had done training courses as a welder or as an electrician and therefore found a place in these fields.”

The project also intends to leverage a collaboration with the Apro of Alba to train young professionals.

«Yes, a collaboration is starting with them, but it hasn’t actually started yet. First we are waiting to resolve the rental problem: at the moment we don’t have enough facilities to be able to accommodate the kids. They can’t work and study alone, so someone needs to take care of it to allow them to reconcile everything as best as possible. We are thinking about how to include them, also asking for specific donations for anyone who feels they can help a young person train to be able to work.”
In any case, the involvement of companies in the Alba area demonstrates how industriousness and generosity often go hand in hand in this province. Does not find?
«Absolutely yes, it’s something that exists and that works really well. There is a lot of availability and generosity, you just need to overcome a bit of mistrust in renting accommodation. In all of this, the project is growing and its growth is good for the whole area.”

At the Viale Vico office of the Frati Minori Piemonte Onlus there are many welfare initiatives carried out. What are the priorities for future projects?
«Certainly, as regards our role, future projects concern the training side. As I was saying, the idea is to have a structure that allows us to place young people capable of attending Apro to be trained for work, also creating career paths with them. It is a passage that is very important at the level of human dignity. Young people today arrive and are asked to “settle” for any occupation. What we would like is to create in them the desire to work, push them to carry out a project and thus live their lives to the full.”

I would close with a personal question. What does it mean for you on a human level to help these kids find fulfillment?

«The moment I see a boy come true, I see my vocation as a Franciscan friar fulfilled. I am a Franciscan friar, I wanted to be one because I felt called to this and this is what I am carrying forward. If a boy becomes fulfilled, at the same time the Gospel that I proclaim is witnessed and therefore for me it is very important.”

Article by Domenico Abbondandolo

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