Established by law in Umbria “The Day of Mothers and Fathers of Angels” – Agipress – National press agency

Established by law in Umbria “The Day of Mothers and Fathers of Angels” – Agipress – National press agency
Established by law in Umbria “The Day of Mothers and Fathers of Angels” – Agipress – National press agency

AGIPRESS – ASSISI – A white rose, this is the symbol of Le Mamme degli Angeli, a group born on social media in June 2011 which today has thousands of members. The Foligno lawyer Carla Magrini created the group that brings together mothers (also open to fathers) who have unfortunately lost their children prematurely. “We are parents – says Magrini – who don’t want pain to win, we have a lot of love in our hearts to give. We are involved in social issues, in the toughest battles, against drugs, hit-and-runs, violence, feminicides but we also work in support of research for the cure of terrible diseases such as cystic fibrosis which took away my wonderful Beloved in only 26 years old. When a child dies, life becomes very hard. Every day I listen to many mothers, they tell me about the infinite difficulties they encounter even in the simplest relationships, sometimes even going out to eat a pizza makes them feel guilty, they can’t distract themselves from the pain for a moment. The most difficult situations concern mothers who have lost their only child or those who have even lost two. These women must be supported, helped. We tried to do it among ourselves. The need for the meeting then arose from the discussion on social media. For this reason, eight years ago in the city of Peace, Assisi, the Day dedicated to the mothers of Angels was born. An appointment to be together, hug each other and share the eternal presence of these children in our hearts, in our eyes, in our minds. And so since 2015 every year on the third Sunday of May we meet in Assisi, in Santa Maria Degli Angeli at the Basilica della Porziuncola. Prayers, hugs, memories and “presence united with hope” that Father Danilo Reverberi, who unfortunately passed away three years ago, told us so much about. The symbolic gesture of the cloud of white balloons with the names of our children flying over the skies of Assisi is the act with which every annual meeting ends. This year _ concludes Carla Magrini _ the appointment is at 10 am on Sunday 19th with a big news. The establishment by regional law of the “Day of Mothers and Fathers of Angels”. A recognition for which I thank the Umbria Region very much, which arrived on May 6th and helps us to cultivate the hope of being able to help mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters with a very important message: that of not being alone!”.
In the document of the Umbria Region published in the Gazzetta on 8 May, we read: 1. The “Regional Day for the Mothers and Fathers of Angels” has been established, to be celebrated annually on the third Sunday of May, to raise public awareness through initiatives to support parents who have suffered the premature death of their children. 2. The Region, within the scope of the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, encourages actions aimed at comparing, meeting, sharing and comforting the pain of parents who have suffered the premature death of their children. 3. On the occasion of the “Regional Day for the Mothers and Fathers of Angels”, the Region promotes events and initiatives of support, remembrance and commemoration, also in collaboration with local authorities and third sector bodies. A national bill has already been presented on the topic. AGIPRESS

Doda Miliani

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