Ilaria Salis under house arrest in Budapest after 15 months. The father: ‘We are very happy’ – News

Ilaria Salis under house arrest in Budapest after 15 months. The father: ‘We are very happy’ – News
Ilaria Salis under house arrest in Budapest after 15 months. The father: ‘We are very happy’ – News

The appeal presented by the lawyers of Ilaria Salis was accepted by the Hungarian court of second instance and she can therefore be released from prison and placed under house arrest in Budapest.

The appeal was presented by Ilaria Salis’ lawyers against the decision of judge Jozsef Sós who in the last hearing on 28 March had denied her house arrest both in Italy and in Hungary. On appeal, the request was instead accepted and therefore the 39-year-old Milanese activist, candidate with Avs for the next European elections, will be able to leave prison in Budapest where she has been for over 15 months on charges of having attacked far-right militants. The measure, which provides for the electronic bracelet, will become enforceable as soon as the bail required by the court is paid.

“Ilaria is thrilled to finally be able to leave prison and we are very happy to finally be able to hug her again”: this is what Roberto Salis told ANSA commented on the Hungarian court’s decision to grant house arrest to his daughter Ilaria who, after more than 15 months, will be able to leave the prison where she is being held on charges of attacking far-right militants. “She’s not out of the well yet,” she added, “but it will certainly be very nice to be able to hug her again after 15 months, even if as long as she’s in Hungary I don’t feel completely at ease.”

“We are very satisfied, this nightmare is finally over for Ilaria but her battle continues”: is the comment with ANSA by Mauro Straini and Eugenio Losco, the two Italian lawyers of Ilaria Salisafter learning of the Hungarian court’s decision to grant her house arrest in Budapest.

Nordio and Tajani: ‘Satisfaction with the granting of house arrest’

“I would like to express my satisfaction with the news we have received about the granting of house arrest to Ilaria Salis”. Thus the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio before answering a question at question time in the Chamber.

“Well, house arrest was what we wanted. Now Ilaria Salis will be able to vote peacefully.” He said it the deputy prime minister and foreign minister Antonio Tajani, speaking transatlantically in the Chamber after question time. “I am a guarantee, we hope that she can be acquitted and can return to Italy as soon as possible”, added the FI leader, explaining that “it is thanks to the synergistic action of the government and our embassy, ​​which have worked intensely, in silence, without propaganda, without drum rolls, as we have always done, as we are doing with Falcinelli and with everyone”.

Request for Salis house arrest in Italy is possible

The transfer to house arrest in Budapest for Ilaria Salis, decided by the Hungarian judges, opens the way that facilitates the stages for the possible return to Italy of the 39 year old.

The Italian authorities – we learn from government sources – could ask the Hungarian ministry – subject to any request from Salis’ lawyers – for the necessary documentation and send everything to the competent judicial authority for recognition and enforcement in Italy of the measure applied, according to the provisions of the European Council framework law of 2009, for the mutual recognition of decisions on ‘alternative measures to precautionary detention’. However, there would be inconsistent jurisprudence on the rule as the one applied to Salis is not a measure resulting from a final conviction but a precautionary measure.

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