Stillafest, here is the program of the 1st edition “the drop that loves the rock”

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“A navigation through the knowledge of water. We set sail in 2024 from the Pertosa-Auletta Caves for a journey that will touch all the places in our territory in the coming months with the aim of contributing, through a multidisciplinary intersection between science, history and humanistic studies, to creating an immaterial place of comparison and exchange of ideas around the central theme of water as a precious resource to be protected and a symbol of culture and spirituality among peoples”. Thus, this morning at Palazzo Sant’Agostino in Provincia in Salerno, during the press conference presenting the program of Stillafestthe president of the Stilla association, Giandomenico Maria Scelzowhich outlined the details of Stillafest, the National Festival of Science, Environment and Philosophy of Water scheduled at the caves of Pertosa-Auletta on 7-8 and 9 June 2024 and with a preview to be held on 31 May, the latter entirely dedicated to “School Edition” students and will end with a theatrical monologue curated by the artist Roberto Mercadini who will be on stage with a “Writing on water” and which together with the educational workshops Watercolors of the Mediterranean, Stories of Stone and Water, Monitoring of river environments: from smartphones to satellites, Creatures of the Caves, The Taste of Stilla And Aqua Mood, will kick off the festival. Three days, from 7 to 9 June, of conferences, talks, lectures, teaching, artistic and musical performances, exhibitions and guided tours which will see the territory of the Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni at the center of the festival which will host artists and scholars of international caliber, thanks to the patronage of the Campania Region, the Province of Salerno, the Municipality of Pertosa, the Mida Foundation, the Italian Tourist Caves Association, the Cilento-Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park, the Il Cervene Foundation, the University of Salerno, Legambiente Campania , Vallo di Diano Mountain Community, Upper Middle Sele and Tanagro Mountain Community, Sele-Tanagro Foce and Eremita Marzano Nature Reserves Authority, Italian River Redevelopment Centre, Campania Region Youth Forum, Italian Association of Oceanology and Limnology and Assofrantoi Campania.

Furthermore, during the festival, it will be possible to visit the exhibition “A Deal with the land” by Francesco Geronazzo, a Design of the Universe project, curated by Elisabeth Vermeer which will be set up at the Il Museo del Suolo.

“Water is life and on this issue it becomes essential to reflect on the future of the planet, especially in light of climate change” – added the president of the Province of Salerno, Francesco Alfieri. An invitation to reflect on the protection of water from the President of the Provina, also reiterated by Michele Buonomo of Legambiente Campania – “Water represents a problem when it is scarce and when it is overabundant – explained Buonomo. – Suffice it to say that only 1% of the water resource present is that useful for human and agri-food uses. With Stillafest we put the protection of the planet and water resources at the center.” Furthermore, Legambiente will bring the “Loving Italy” event to Pertosa on May 31st, as part of Stillafest.

“Our idea is to experience, through history, the 158 municipalities of the Province of Salerno as a 365-day long sensorial experience, structuring the tourist offer throughout the year and thus harmonizing all the elements that compose it – he explained the delegated councilor for Tourism of the Province of Salerno, Pasquale Sorrentino. -Stillafest -he says- is a great cultural project and represents precisely the harmony between the various elements through which to know the origin to guide the future” – concluded Sorrento.

The drop that loves the rock” is the theme of the first edition of Stillafest. “Talking about water means talking about land – explained the organizers. -There are places in the world that struggle with the precious fluid to bring geographic depressions above sea level. Others, who know the value of survival through the idea of ​​waking up and looking for a way to quench their thirst and wash themselves. If the Latin world called our planet “terraqueous orb” it is because the Ancients had already understood the value of life through the conciliation between earth and water with a prevalence of the second element over the first in terms of quantity and quality. A union enclosed in the Pertosa and Auletta Caves, a unique place not only for the presence of karst phenomena which make the terrestrial cave navigable thanks to the intersection of springs which pump up to 700 liters per second of water which flows outwards from the underground. In this unique place in the world, water tells the age-old diachronic relationship between man and the Caves, through an archaeological heritage that tells us about the life and activities that took place and which range from the pile-dwelling dwelling to sacred cults, up to to the short century”. The Pertosa Auletta Caves will be the theater of scientific-cultural events where numerous experts will discuss the topic of the drop, the drop to be preserved that allows survival and enriches the planet. “A drop marries and loves a rock not only in stalactites and stalagmites, but also in debates, round tables, concerts, musical happenings of a festival which will see prestigious guests who will enrich with their actions the panorama of rivers, waterfalls, lakes, sources to navigate in increasingly safer waters around knowledge” – the organizers commented. Many educational workshops and artistic performances taking place during the three days which will see three international conferences with exceptional guests whose themes will be: “Is water infinite? Challenges, social, health and environmental implications, to protect an indispensable resource” And “The moist nourishment of all things. From archaeological foods to novel foods” scheduled for Friday 7 June, “The drop that loves the rock” – The diachronic relationship between man and water from prehistory to today” which will be held on Saturday 8 June and the closing conference on Sunday 9 June entitled “The waterways, experiences, innovations, perspectives and projects for the territory”.


Friday 7 June from 8.30 to 18.30 at the Soil Museum of Pertosa, the conference entitled “Is water infinite? Challenges, social, health and environmental implications, to protect an indispensable resource” and which will have as speakers, among others,: Arcangelo Saggese Tozzi, director of the Prevention Department of ASL Salerno; Raffaele Bove, technical director of the Il Cervene Foundation; Gennaro Avallone, Associate Professor – Department of Political and Social Studies/DISPS; Giuseppe Ungherese, Greenpeace-Pollution campaign manager; Giuseppe Rofrano, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute for the South – Researcher; Giuliano Trentini, president of the Italian Center for River Redevelopment; Gelsomina Lamberti, public hygienist and head of UOSPC DS 60-63 ASL Salerno; and numerous other public health experts such as Mauro Cosentino, Vincenza Angeletti, Gregorio Grippo, and Anna Romano;

Also on Friday 7 June from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the Giardini delle Grotte in Pertosa, talk entitled “The moist nourishment of all things. From archaeological foods to novel foods” , moderated by the journalist Ornella Bonomo, and which will feature speakers: Nicola Calisto, agronomist; Francesco Gabriele Bafaro, archaeologist and oenologist; Valerio Calabrese, Director of the Living Museum; Salvatore Giordano, vice president of Assofrantoi Campania; Nataliya Ivaniv, Italian Sommelier Association; and Valerio Calabrese, Director of the Mediterranean Diet Museum and member of Legambiente.

Saturday 8 June instead, from 10 am to 1 pm at the Soil Museum in Pertosa, conference entitled “The drop that loves the rock” – The diachronic relationship between man and water from prehistory to today” which will see among the speakers: Maria Rosaria Carfagna, President of the Mida Foundation; Cosma Cesareo, architect and expert in ethnography of territorial regeneration; Francesco Uliano Scelza, Archaeologist – MIC Official – Paestum-Velia Archaeological Park; Marcello Ragveduto, associate professor of Contemporary History and professor of Public & Digital History – UNISA; and Giovanna De Luca, archaeologist, as moderator.

On the afternoon of Saturday 8 June, from 4.30pm to 6pm, in the living room of the Soil museum, talk “The water inside us. Philosophy, theology and psychology of water” and which will include among the speakers: Vito Rizzo, journalist-moderator, Gianluca Esposito, philosopher; Maria Velia Lo Guercio, theologian; Vittorio Secco, theologian; Francesco Di Prinzio, psychologist.

Friday 7 June and Saturday 8 June Furthermore, throughout the day there will be alternating talks and presentations of books and projects, from 10am to 8pm, “Water clouds. Meet, welcome and listen” with meetings with the press and institutions, presentation of the HERA Heuristic Ethnographic Regeneration Activities project, “Writing Workshop” – poetry and creative writing workshop curated by Costantino Vincenzo, Lasagne Verdi and JepisBottega with live stories from the Stillafest, presentation of the book “The ‘evils’ of the South” by Gerardo Magliacano, Masterclass “Vinus and Antrum” Wine Refinement and Tasting Techniques with Amari Del Territorio, workshop on female emancipation and Trotula hospitality, Contemporary Art Seminar curated by Rosario d’Acri, presentation of the book “First – Ten female scientists for the environment” with Mirella Orsi and Carmen Troiano from Pikaia, and presentation of the book by Emanuela Dattolo and Domenico D’Alelio: “ Anthropica, Cycling in the Italy of Environmental Change. In the end, Sunday 9 June from 10 am to 1 pm, in the Giardini delle Grotte, the round table conceived and coordinated by Elisa Macciocchi will be held. by title – “The waterways, experiences, innovations, perspectives and projects for the territory” and which will feature as speakers: Rosaria Carfagna, president of the Mida Foundation; Giuseppe Coccorullo, President of the Cilento Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park; Giuseppe Jepis, Rivello; Mafalda Inglese, MY FAIR Legambiente Campania; Adriano Maria Guida, Campania Region Youth Forum; Claudia Capone, OCPG – Unisa; Concettina Soldovieri – Stilla ETS association The three days will also be accompanied by musical shows, exhibitions, guided tours and artistic performances.



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