The AISF section of Lamezia is on the front line in the fight against fibromyalgia

May 15, 2024 08:28

For World Fibromyalgia Day, the Aisf Odv section (Italian Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association) of Lamezia with its volunteers has created a station in the pedestrian area of ​​Corso Nicotera to provide information and raise funds to be used to fight fibromyalgia. Those who approached the banquet were given free brooches made by the Lametine volunteers of Aisf of Lamezia Terme and plants were distributed in exchange for a small contribution.

At the information point in the pedestrian area, a lot of free material on fibromyalgia syndrome and gadgets made by volunteer members were also distributed; information was provided on the path to follow for diagnosis and treatment of the pathology. Many people approached, many people asked to collaborate with the Lametina section of Aisf as volunteers; doctors and healthcare workers also made their expertise and professionalism available.


Also on the day dedicated to fibromyalgia, the Lametina section of Aisf participated in Catanzaro at the inauguration of a purple bench created by a collaborator of the association. Furthermore, it should be noted that since 2019 an information desk (clinic 19) has been active at the Lamezia Terme hospital, where every Thursday morning all people who need more information on this particular pathology are welcomed.


It should be noted that, with the help of the institutions, visibility was given to fibromyalgia by illuminating many monuments and squares in purple: the Calabria Region has joined the initiative; the Municipalities of Lamezia Terme, Pianopoli, Feroleto Antico, Marcellinara, Falerna, Gizzeria Lido and many others.


Fibromyalgia syndrome is a central sensitization syndrome, characterized by a lowering of the pain sensitivity threshold; it is a chronic and disabling pathology unfortunately not yet recognized by the national system. The main symptoms are widespread pain, fatigue with physical efforts, sleep disturbances, fatigue with mental efforts, stiffness, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, migraines, muscle cramps, neurological problems, cognitive behavioral problems, balance, weakness, intolerances, depression, mental confusion.

To date, there are no theories that confirm an autoimmune or genetic origin, or that there is a unique and specific genetic marker of the syndrome. Fibromyalgia is more represented in females with a ratio of 6/1 compared to men, but it can affect all ages. It is not a rare pathology because the incidence in the general population is between 1 and 1.6 percent.

The diagnosis is entrusted to the rheumatologist but also to the pain therapist in collaboration with a physiatrist, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, physiotherapist, nutritionist. The therapy is multidisciplinary, obviously each patient will have their own personal treatment, aimed at improving their physical and mental state.

The Lamezia Terme section is part of the national AISF and it aims to give a voice to patients affected by this syndrome, which is still not sufficiently considered. Our contacts are 351/8024013

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