Happy ‘slides’ onto the wide field: it doesn’t belong to me

Happy ‘slides’ onto the wide field: it doesn’t belong to me
Happy ‘slides’ onto the wide field: it doesn’t belong to me

It’s one thing to imagine knowing how to manage, it’s another to succeed in the task.
The 5 Star Movement experienced the thrill of going to Palazzo Chigi with Luigi Di Maio (just to give an example) and the results were not flattering. Not in the opinion of the writer: the judgment of the polls during the last electoral appointments was merciless.
In Campobasso – at least in terms of important works started, some even completed – there is very little to attribute to Gravina and his councillors. Yet, walking through the streets of the centre, the evaluations are not very flattering.
Politics – I wrote it in a leading article published yesterday and I repeat it here – is a serious, very serious thing. And it cannot be the result of improvisation.
The wide, but not too wide, field that Palazzo San Giorgio wants to administer is counting a lot on the five-stalled result. Access to the ballot or even victory in the first round may depend on the Grillina percentage.
Nothing to reproach Simone Cretella or Luca Praitano (I mention them because they are substantially better known than the other grillini from Campobassa). Indeed, I had never observed a municipal councilor of the capital with a broom to sweep a square or with the tools of the trade to repair a bench. They worked like hell to implement what they promised. And they largely succeeded. Yet, the Movement is in decline.
Why? Good question that is very difficult to answer.
Meanwhile, when a football team plays badly and doesn’t win (this happens even if it plays well but the results don’t arrive) the first thing the club does is replace the coach. The 5 stars – just sharpen a few dates and events – in Molise have started to decline since the people’s advocate Giuseppe Conte entrusted the coordination to the former parliamentarian and former regional councilor Antonio Federico. The late Federico (always and only politically, of course), who, having completed his lavishly – and legitimately – remunerated positions, disappeared from the scene. Disappeared. Dissolved.
The negotiations conducted to form the wide field during the regional elections last June were disastrous. What happened in Termoli in the past few days was dramatic. In Campobasso – but it was all already written in the pact for the regionals – the engineer-guitarist (who uses his mobile phone to play Candy Crush and to remove anyone who doesn’t write according to his line of thought from his social “friends” lists) he didn’t even try to assert the reasons of the outgoing administration, giving up his candidacy for the office of mayor without a blow. On a practical level – considering the depth of Marialuisa Forte – she did well. The political manuals, however, say otherwise.
But, in fact, politics is a serious thing.
Moreover, the note with which the outgoing mayor Paola Felice made public her intention to withdraw from the game is the mirror of the approximation with which Federico has managed and is managing the Molise 5 Star Movement. «I will continue to commit myself – writes the mayor in the last lines of the letter sent to the press – in the awareness that not having an elective role does not mean abandoning politics. On the contrary, it means being able to exercise it in other forms – as each of us should do every day – also by disconnecting it from certain self-referential dynamics from which unfortunately no party is immune and which personally do not belong to me. Just as, for the coherence of which I pride myself, the logic of the wide field does not belong to me.”
«…the logic of the wide field doesn’t belong to me»: therefore, not only does he reject the work of the coordinator Federico, who instead put his efforts into the wide field. He also explains – probably unintentionally – why Gravina got fewer votes than Roberti in the city of Campobasso. It is clear that if the mayor of the capital is not in love with the broad field, it becomes difficult to convince those in administration to fall in love.
Yep, politics is a serious thing.

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