“The strange part of the internet” at Offcast

Wednesday 15 May at 6.30pm in Viale Alfonso I d’Este 13 in Ferrara, Offcast, the live podcast of the Ferrara Off theatre, created and hosted by Michael Buttini and Nicolò Battaglia, hosts the social phenomenon “The strange part of the internet”.

It will be the unique opportunity to discover the face behind one of the most curious and followed social pages of the moment, which re-proposes the most bizarre things that have appeared online, arousing amusement and amazement in followers, with an irony that will also be able to infect the Offcast audience.

Offcast recordings are open to viewers who can watch the show, having aperitifs and interacting with the guests. An informal lounge for a format that anticipates the start, in May, of the Bonsai Festival, of which it is part of the calendar and which confirms its openness to new proposals, with particular attention to young people.

The videos will be online on the Offcast YouTube channel: the first three episodes are already available with the aerospace engineer Astroviktor, the performer Laura Fiorini, the magician Hyde and the president and creator of Cus Ferrara Giorgio Tosi.

The guests are Ferrarese who have distinguished themselves on both sides of the Este walls, sometimes better known outside than inside the city, as often happens. It will be an opportunity to discover new faces or deepen old acquaintances, with the promise of spending 75 curious and fun minutes together.

The next and last appointment of this season of Offcast will be on May 24th with Nicola Franceschini, host of Telestense and beloved character of local television information and entertainment, as well as director of the FM-world newspaper, which deals with the radio world, of which he is very passionate. In Ferrara Off, however, he won’t be the one to ask the questions, but he will have to receive them, finding himself on the other side for the first time.

To book entry to the live podcast you can fill out the form on the website www.ferraraoff.it or by calling 3336202360 or writing to [email protected].

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