MolFest 2024: Molfetta becomes the stage of POP – Pugliapress

MolFest 2024 Molfetta is much more than just an event: it is a celebration of art, culture and inclusion that comes to life in the heart of Molfetta on 29 and 30 June. The festival, curated by STEP of the LEG – Live Emotion Group and promoted by the Municipality of Molfetta, introduces the theme “Kindness”, a powerful message in complex times.

The objective of MolFest 2024 Molfetta is threefold: to entertain, educate and enhance. Through the involvement of over 60 local associations, the festival presents itself as a catalyst of positive energy, promoting a collective experience of growth and fun.

The places and attractions

At MolFest 2024 Molfetta, visitors will be able to explore different thematic areas, from the Villa Comunale Giuseppe Garibaldi, where the atmospheres of Marvel and Disney will come to life, up to the Torrione Passari, which will be transformed into an exciting medieval and fantasy “experience room”. Every corner of Molfetta will become an integral part of the festival, offering a new vision of the city like never before.

Technology and innovation

A special focus will be on technology and video games. In collaboration with Qlash, a leader in the esports sector, MolFest 2024 Molfetta will present tournaments and panels with experts, highlighting the latest innovations in the world of gaming.

Inclusion is at the heart of MolFest 2024 Molfetta, with initiatives such as the Lega del Filo d’Oro sensory tunnel, designed to offer an immersive experience in the five senses. The festival is an open invitation to participate, explore and above all, be kind.

With exceptional guests such as Cristina D’Avena and Andrea Rock, MolFest 2024 Molfetta is not just a festival, but a point of reference in the universe of POP culture in Italy. It is an unmissable event for those looking for a summer of art, play and inclusion.

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