Deaths at work. INPS Sicily, unions and entrepreneurs sign a single document

Also INPS Sicily she intervened to comment on the recent news which told of yet another deaths at work in Sicily. The president Valeria Tranchina he defined those referring to the statistics of the last decade as “impressive numbers”. 800 deaths from 2013 to 2023, not counting near misses. Difficult to count injury claims at work. Starting from these statistical data, the trade union organizations CGIL, Cisl, Uil, Ugl and business associations Confindustria Sicily, Confcommercio Sicily, Confagricoltura Sicily, Coldiretti Sicilyall represented in INPS Sicily Regional Committee have approved a document in which I endorse 10 proposals to combat the phenomenon of deaths at work in Sicily.

After Casteldaccia proposals and contributions from INPS Sicily

About the accident that killed on March 9th five workers of a company that worked as a subcontractor for the Amap of Palermo, the president of INPS Sicily Valeria Tranchina spoke of “yet another tragedy which certainly should have been avoided and which today, like all the others, leaves us astonished and dismayed.” Together with the trade unions and business associations making up the INPS Regional Committee, the president announced the approval of a document to intervene in “firm manner” which contains “proposals and contributions” to intervene “so that our Italian legislation in health matter And job securitywidely considered one of the best in the world, is actually and punctually observed and applied”.

Points license against deaths at work in Sicily

Inps Sicily together with CGIL Sicily, Cisl Sicily , Uil Sicily, Ugl Sicily and business associations Confindustria Sicily, Confcommercio Sicily, Confagricoltura Sicily, Coldiretti Sicily he asked for the mandatory nature of some measures which are the “workhorses” of the trade unions and feedback given by the companies themselves. Which ones, give centrality to permanent contracts and strengthen the fight against precarious work which represents a risk to the safety in the workplace. Extend the so-called durc (single contribution regularity document) appropriate, already in force in construction sector, to all other sectors in order to establish an adequate relationship between the work to be carried out and the number of employees assigned to it. INPS Sicily asks to introduce the qualification system and classification of companies and of points licence involving in any sanctions, in the event of death and/or serious injury, not only the company on which the worker depends but also thecontracting company. The document aims to make it mandatory to upload data concerning near misses in the “Near Miss” platform managed by Inail.

Request for a reduction in distance learning

Among those “accused” for deaths at work there is also the online training, which among the proposals signed by INPS Sicily, unions and entrepreneurs must be reduced. Also needed is a larger number labor inspectors in the region. And not only. Here is the exact list of proposals: reduce e-learning training and encourage in-person learning. Strengthen the business of verification and control with respect to the actual use of training, information and mandatory training and on the compliance of the providers. Adapt the organic plant of labor inspectors in Sicily. Provide compulsory training for i employers to be fulfilled before starting the business activities. Encourage full sharing of databases and give full functionality to the National Information System for Prevention. Financing extracurricular projects at schools of all levels on prevention and safety at work. Allow bilateral entities to small companies to suggest company organizational models regarding health and safety at work.

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