Return day on the workshops carried out in Faenza schools by Caritas at Faventia Sales in Faenza

Return day on the workshops carried out in Faenza schools by Caritas at Faventia Sales in Faenza
Return day on the workshops carried out in Faenza schools by Caritas at Faventia Sales in Faenza

The conference “New Perspectives: young people’s gaze on school, the city, the world“, organized for Tuesday 14 May at 3pm in room 3 of Faventia Sales from the Global Education office of Diocesan Caritas of Faenza-Modiglianaaims to give back to the citizens, and in particular to the schools and educational agencies in the area, the stimuli gathered in contact with young students.

After the greeting and introduction by Councilors Agresti and Laghi, Barbara Lanzoni, contact person for the Global Education Area, will speak with an overview of what emerged from listening to young people through the workshops carried out in schools; followed by high school students from Faenza, members of the MSAC team, who will present the research “2032: school has changed” and Don Mattia Gallegati, in charge of Vocational Pastoral, will present “Bussolà”, the orientation path in schools. Furthermore, always in network with the territory, Cristiana Bacchilega, coordinator of the Center for Families and Claudia Melandri, AUSL psychologist of the family counseling center will also intervene for an interpretation of the resources and struggles of the adolescents of our territory encountered since the opening of the Adolescence Space ” UFO: Universe Off Wave”.

Principals, professors, the entire educational community, but also the students themselves are invited to participate: “Educating on globality means in fact moving consciences, prodding the person to take action to develop new thinking, new lifestyles, new means of participation and sharing of resources – explain the organizers -. It means relaunching attention to others, perceived as members of a unique and indivisible human society, promoting values ​​such as solidarity, peace, protection of rights, intercultural richness, interreligious dialogue and environmental protection”.

“The main objective we set ourselves is to recover hope in change, not only of ourselves, but also of society and the world. Recover trust in the potential of each and everyone to transform the reality that surrounds us”, they add.

The “Education for Globality” office is an area of ​​Caritas that carries out pedagogical activities; fits fully into the Caritas mission since “above the purely material aspect of your activity, its prevalent pedagogical function must emerge” said Paul VI to Caritas Italiana on 28 September 1972, a function also reiterated in the Caritas Statute in which it is underlined the “predominantly pedagogical action” of the same.

Over 150 workshops were carried out by the Global Education office in the last two school years (2022-23 and 2023-24) in the various secondary schools in the Faenza area, from the “Torricelli-Ballardini” high school to the ITP “ L. Bucci” up to IT “A. Oriani” and to the IP “Persolino-Strocchi”.

In this 2023-24 school year, there were 4 institutes with 78 classes encountered (N.21 ITIP “L. Bucci”, N.35 Liceo “Torricelli-Ballardini”, N.6 at the IP “Persolino -Strocchi”, N.16 at ITS “A. Oriani”) for a total of approximately 1700 students involved.

The classes each tackled one of the five different types of workshops put in place by the Global Education Office:

“Antisocial, social club” campaign with the aim of stimulating a discussion on the use of social media, increasing awareness of their potential and risks, as well as the influence that social media trends have on everyone’s daily life.

Workshop “Free of…, free from…?” to reflect together on what it means to be free to express oneself, on the limits of freedom in relation to responsibility towards the social and relational context and on the ways in which to stay in the conflict of values ​​and therefore respecting the freedom of others.

“The school I would like…” workshop to make children reflect on their participation in community life starting from the context that involves them most in their age group, the school. We want to think about the contribution that they can immediately give to their school with a constructive and improvement perspective.
“Youth, Active Citizenship and Volunteering” workshop to make young people reflect on their participation in community life, explore what it means to be active citizens and learn about some realities and possibilities of civic commitment in the city, also in light of what happened in the “emergency flood”.

“Ready to leave” workshop to help young people become aware of the opportunities and resources offered by the territory (local, national, European) with respect to their future, identifying useful tools for venturing on the post-diploma journey.

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