Del Fes Avellino in the semifinals for the Serie A2, here is the opponent of Irpinia

Del Fes Avellino in the semifinals for the Serie A2, here is the opponent of Irpinia
Del Fes Avellino in the semifinals for the Serie A2, here is the opponent of Irpinia


There Of Fes Avellino will face the Tuscan Coffee Pielle Livorno promotion to the semi-finals after finishing the series against Rucker San Vendemiano (3-1): “It seems right to me to also express a thought on San Vendemiano. We joked with coach Carrea about the fact that he will win the title of unluckiest coach. – explained the Del Fes coach, Alessandro Crotti – It must be recognized that not only in this series, but throughout the championship they have had several problems with injuries. They deserve credit for having played an important series despite the difficulties. For us I must say that it wasn’t easy after Game 1 having lost badly. We were also in difficulty in Game 2 and Game 3, but we adjusted our game by raising the defensive aspect. We are happy with a super audience and we want to confirm it in the next series too. It will be very important.”

“Well done at staying clear along the way”

“The managers were patient. At a certain point we found ourselves fourth from last, it wasn’t easy to get back up. – added the Del Fes coach – The players gave everything. Compliments must be given to everyone, first and foremost to the managers, but also to the staff. Is the job linked to the semi-finals? This first round of the playoffs was already worth a very high level January. We want to play it, we know we can play it.”

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