Race for the cure, the 25th edition begins with President Mattarella Here News arezzo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Thanks to the Komen Foundation for the initiative and for what it does every day for this fundamental front for humanity. Thanks for what you do. Have a good race.” Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, from the authorities’ platform, before the start of the “Race for the cure”, the Komen Italia running event for the fight against breast cancer. The Head of State participated in the opening ceremony of the 25th edition of the Race for the Cure in Rome at the Circus Maximus. Mattarella, accompanied by his daughter Laura, took his place in the authorities’ stand, where he received bib number 1 of the twenty-fifth edition of the sporting event. Before the start of the race, two paratroopers landed in front of the presidential stage and handed over the Race flags for the cure, Italian and Army in Mattarella. – photo Quirinale press office – (ITALPRESS).

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