Agony over, end of a journey without ambitions

Pescara football: agony over, end of a journey without ambitions. Yet another defeat in the Adriatic, Juventus Next Gen wins 3-1 and enters the national play-offs.

Pescara without backbone, soul or even a minimum of pride. Despite the advantage of playing for two results out of three.

The very young and talented Juventus Next Gen proves superior both tactically and in terms of play.

With mocking ease the Bianconeri unlocked it after just 6′. As always, everything is too simple. On Mesik’s awkward clearance, Sekulov has time to control and finish. The Slovakian turns (another mistake), the ball is deflected and there is nothing the innocent Plizzari can do.

The reaction in a couple of flare-ups, to be honest, impromptu. The possibility of equalizing vanishes (Aloi kicks at Comenencia).

Then nothing. Biancazzurri always in rhythm. Individual pressing and never team pressing. From the attacking midfield up, not even an offensive play. When defending low, Cascione’s team is never compact. Between the lines Nonge and Sekulov enjoy excessive freedom and create a lot of problems in the last 25 meters.

Juventus Next Gen is the absolute master of the situation. In the second half, it was all too easy for the Bianconeri to defend the slightest advantage.

In an excited maxi recovery three more goals arrive: Guerra’s second, Milani’s 1-2 in the 97th minute and at the closing credits, with the team unbalanced, Mbangula’s final 1-3.

Agony over. The end of a path without ambitions. The knots always come home to roost. Wrong summer market. Poorly assembled squad, with several misunderstandings, significantly inferior to that of last championship.

Non-role players taken. Adapt, especially in midfield. In attack, a 20-goal striker (Lescano) was sold without adequately replacing him.

The January transfer window is devoid of sense and logic. At least a midfielder was needed, an attacking midfielder like Meazzi arrived. With these foundations, with similar assumptions, it becomes perfectly useless to dwell on the work of the coaches.


Pescara-Juventus Next Gen 1-3-web news click here

Pescara-Juventus Next Gen 91′-Casciane’s analysis clicks here

Pescara-Juventus Next Gen 91′-The analysis of the guest coach Brambilla click here

Pescara-Juventus Next Gen 1-3 (summary)

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