«I suffer from constant melancholy, I have never been happy»

Daniele Radini Tedeschiformer competitor ofIsland of the Famous, revealed the reason that pushed him to abandon reality TV. The former castaway declared openly and without mincing words that he suffers from “constant melancholy”. A few hours before the final of the Island of the Famous, Daniele Radini Tedeschi explained that he had never been “a happy person” and that his experience in Honduras was a real challenge with himself.

The words of Daniele Radini Tedeschi

«I am a person who suffers from constant melancholy, not to mention that before entering the Island of the Famous I had a very serious loss that brought me to my knees – underlined Daniele Radini Tedeschi to Vanity Fair -. I have never been a happy person, but I mask it through grotesqueness and cynicism. What remains is that I left after speaking with my doctor. When the proposal arrived, I asked him if I should participate considering my condition, and the doctor said yes. In fact, he told me that it would be good for me to disconnect, even if the real problem is that I suffer from insomnia, and this has caused some critical issues.”

«During the island there was a night when everyone was asleep and I couldn’t keep my thoughts at bay – he added -. There, however, I felt better for a while: the presence of the other competitors was a saving grace, so much so that I felt bad at night, when the others were sleeping and the anguish mounted. The presence of the camera has never been a problem for me. In my life I have often created a nest for myself like a snail or turtle would do except that, as we know, that shell preserves them but at the same time deforms them. Exactly how it happened to me.”


Daniele Radini Tedeschi explained that in Honduras he had a sort of panic attack which pushed him to put an end to his television experience. «One night in particular on the island I said ‘enough’ – he continued -. I had something very close to a panic attack because I realized that I had no references and was struggling with the creations produced by my mind. I am a person who has no hope for the future and who prefers to live in the past and in memories, even if on the island I was disturbed by another thing: the absence of cuttlefish bones, which are the wreckage of life. Living in that too perfect postcard sea made me feel uncomfortable because I felt that the waste, the waste, was missing. It was a sea that gave you nothing.”


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