Photography and surroundings, what to see in Turin #5: from Valdocco to the Centre

Photography and surroundings, what to see in Turin #5: from Valdocco to the Centre
Photography and surroundings, what to see in Turin #5: from Valdocco to the Centre

On the occasion of the new international festival EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, Untitled Association is pleased to accompany you in discovering the initiatives dedicated to photography that will liven up the month of the event. Every week, an appointment with a different itinerary (you can find them all here), designed for sector professionals, connoisseurs and art enthusiasts, including exhibitions, events and unmissable spaces.

Gianfranco Gorgoni, Elsworth Kelly, NY1973 (printed in 2005) – Chromogenic print on photographic chemical paper (40x30cm) – © 2024 Galleria d’Arte Moderna Torino

Today we start from Mamre Foundation to then move to the Valdocco area with the FIAF Gallery Turin and the Polo of the 20th century, between Diffuse Museum of the Resistance and the headquarters of Palazzo San Daniele. We conclude our journey in the historic center with the galleries Giorgio Persano And Weber & Weber.

Let’s start with the Mamre Foundation and the collective exhibition Iran. Human and urban landscapesa project in collaboration with the photographer and photojournalist Claudio Silinghini. The exhibition offers a timely narrative on the country through a careful look aimed at retracing social issues and intricate political conflicts.

Image for the Iran exhibition. Human and urban landscapes, MAMRE Foundation, Turin, 2024 – Courtesy MAMRE Foundation

After passing the Aurora area, with the M1 subway we get off at the XVIII Dicembre stop, in the Valdocco area. There FIAF Gallery Turin hosts the collective Beyond the Horizon: Explorations in the Contemporary Landscape, with photographic contributions by Stefano Pannucci, Nazarene Berton, Sergio Carlesso, Matteo Montesano And Ugo Col. In continuity with the theme of the first edition of EXPOSED Turin Photo Festival, New Landscapes New Landscapes, the exhibition offers a varied vision of the ways of understanding the landscape; the non-urbanized landscape captured from above with a drone in Stefano Pannucci’s shots; the landscape modified by an artistic action with Nazareno Berton and Sergio Carlesso; the landscape whose rendering and perception is elaborated in post production with a series of visual patterns for Matteo Montesano; the unpublished and composite landscape obtained from the collage of different views and glimpses in the works of Ugo Col.

Image for the exhibition Beyond the Horizon: Explorations in the Contemporary Landscape, FIAF Gallery, Turin, 2024 – Courtesy FIAF Gallery

We continue in Corso Valdocco 4/A with the Diffuse Museum of the Resistancein the 20th century Palazzo San Celso del Polo, and its permanent exhibition Turin 1938-1948. From racial laws to the Constitutiondesigned by N!03 and edited byPiedmontese Institute for the History of the Resistance. In the evocative underground rooms of the Palazzo dei Quartieri Militari, the installation, with images, sounds and voices of witnesses, recalls daily life during the war, the German occupation, the resistance and the return to democracy. The journey is divided into five stages – Living everyday life, Living under the bombs, Living under the regime, Living under occupation and Living free – guides the viewer in an exploration of the territory and the memory of places. Each stage consists of two interviews that bear witness to this, accompanied by a montage of images from films and documentaries of the time. An integral part of the visit is also the anti-aircraft shelter, 12 meters deep, shelter for citizens and everyday employees The Gazzetta del Popolo with was based in the palace.

Turin 1938-1948. From the racial laws to the Constitution, detail of the permanent exhibition – © Widespread Museum of Resistance, Deportation, War, Rights and Freedom

Not far from the headquarters of Polo of the 20th centuryin Palazzo San Daniele, in Via del Carmine 14, hosts the solo exhibition As if the world had no West Of Monica de Miranda as part of Exposed Torino Foto festival. The exhibition, deconstructing Western conceptions of memory, history and the earth, proposes the creation of new landscapes. Mónica de Miranda experiences a new understanding of the earth, understood as a place for mutual care and liberation. Polo del ‘900 also presents Perfect, but purely by chancea project of the independent publishing association Zic Zic editions. In a dialogue between the world of exhibition and that of micro-publishing, Perfect, but purely by chance investigates the folklore and rural landscape of Southern Italy, challenging tourist and stereotyped narratives with an approach inspired by trash printing workshops. Starting from Saturday 11 May, the exhibition has been integrated with the results of the Trash Printing laboratory, in which a series of cyanotypes will be created collectively to convey a new story of the city.

Image from the exhibition Mónica de Miranda. As if the world had no West, EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, Polo del ‘900, Turin, 2024 – Courtesy EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival
Image from the exhibition Mónica de Miranda. As if the world had no West, EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, Polo del ‘900, Turin, 2024 – Courtesy EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival
Image from the exhibition Mónica de Miranda. As if the world had no West, EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, Polo del ‘900, Turin, 2024 – Courtesy EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival
Image for the exhibition Perfetto, but by pure chance, Polo del ‘900, Turin, 2024 – © ZicZic edizioni

We now move to the historic center to visit the galleries Giorgio Persano And Weber & Weber. Giorgio Persano hosts Volucelle, the staff that Marco Bagnoli he thought for the Turin space. Volucelle, taken from a painting by Picabia, contains the word light, the leitmotif of the exhibition, and names the alabaster chessboard, with the shape of the chess which recalls both the figure of the Harappa dancer, in the archaeological museum of Delhi, and the Marcel Duchamp’s last chess game, where any type of movement was prevented by the presence of the pawns. The exhibition investigates the dimension of marked immobility that only light can pass through.

Marco Bagnoli, Luce su pietra serena, 2010 – Courtesy the artist and Giorgio Persano Gallery

We also remember the solo show in the gallery In/Visible Of For Barclay. The series of photographic works, set up in the internal garden of Palazzo Scaglia in Verrua, investigates the relationship between subjective perception and its deformations, with an analysis of the alienating power of the photographic medium. The Norwegian artist invites us to consider vision and its ambiguities, in a world contested between sensitive and intelligible, visible and invisible. In the construction of photographs and installations, the artist seems to access theunheimlich Freudian, to the uncanny; with the game of subversion of the common vision, Per Barclay re-codes his subjects – dancers, young women and men or mature individuals – into symbols of the unconscious.

For Barclay, Simen, 2004-2005 – Courtesy the artist and Giorgio Persano Gallery

We also point out, not far away, i Royal Museums of Turinimmersed in the evocative greenery of the Royal Gardens, with a permanent collection not to be missed.

We come from Weber & Weber, our last stop, with the personal Moonlight Of Roberto Kusterle. With a distinctly personal style, Kusterle works on staged photography, giving life to a fabulous world where the border between real and imaginary vanishes. With her hybrid images, at the center of which we often find fantastic creatures caught in the metamorphic transition from one form of life to another, she reflects on the relationship between man and nature, on the alienation and symbiotic coexistence of both. For the exhibition, the starting point are torn, creased, folded, yellowed and discolored photographs of old papers from the Gorizia archive, to which Kusterle adds female and male figures portrayed with their bodies covered in clay. For this cycle, the photographer investigates the chromatic and tonal balance between subjects and archive materials, obtained by color subtraction and strong contrasts. The figures are almost transparent, immersed and confused with the background. Through the fusion between real and imaginary, human and animal/vegetable, animate and inanimate, Kusterle constantly opens up new meanings.

Roberto Kusterle, Chiaro di luna, 2020 – Pigment photography on cotton paper (95x78cm) – © Roberto Kusterle – Courtesy the artist and Weber & Weber

What to see in Turin #5

Mamre Foundation

Piazzale Croce Rossa Italiana, 185/A

+39 011 852433

[email protected]

Iran. Human and urban landscapes

Group show

10.05 > 02.06.2024

FIAF Gallery Turin

Via Pietro Santarosa, 7

+39 0115629479

[email protected]

Beyond the Horizon: Explorations in the Contemporary Landscape

Group show

> 17.05.2023

Somewhere else

Group show

24.05 > 14.06.2023

Diffuse Museum of the Resistance

Corso Valdocco, 4/A


[email protected]

Turin 1938-1948. From racial laws to the Constitution

Permanent Collection

designed by N!03 and curated by the Piedmontese Institute for the history of the Resistance.

Polo of the 20th century

Via del Carmine, 14

+39 0110883200

[email protected]

As if the world had no West

Monica de Miranda

02.05 > 02.06.2024

Perfect, but purely by chance

Zic Zic editions

10.05 >11.05.2024

Giorgio Persano

Via Stampatori, 4

+39 011 4378178


Marco Bagnoli

> 28.06.2024


For Barclay

> 28.06.2024

Royal Museums of Turin

Piazzetta Reale, 1

[email protected]

Permanent Collection

Weber & Weber

Via San Tommaso, 7

+39 011 195 00694

+39 348 036 4070

[email protected]


Roberto Kusterle

> 29.06.2024

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