Avellino 2024 municipal elections, seven-way challenge to archive arrests and poisons

Avellino 2024 municipal elections, seven-way challenge to archive arrests and poisons
Avellino 2024 municipal elections, seven-way challenge to archive arrests and poisons

There is no mention of the train station which has been closed for years, of the young people who flee to study outside and never return, of an industrial area reclaimed from buried asbestos and without removing the polluting material (according to a recent complaint). No, come on Avellino on the day of the presentation of the lists for the renewal of the city council in the only capital of Campania vote (seven mayoral candidates, supported by 17 lists) hovers the image of that mayor who stealthily takes away the computer from his office while he is filmed by the police cameras.

There is the enthusiasm of a city that has always lived on politics, given that seventeen lists have been presented and there are seven candidates for mayor in the field. But there is also the sadness caused by a judicial investigation that has shaken the city hall. There is a prefectural commissioner in place of the outgoing mayor Gianluca Festa, who resigned a month ago and is now under house arrest. The charges for him are serious: criminal conspiracy aimed at corruption, misdirection, auction rigging.

“The suspects have the right to stand as candidates,” the public prosecutor said a few hours after the presentation of the lists Domenico Airoma which investigated the mayor and numerous of his collaborators, municipal managers, city councilors and technicians. And so did the vice mayor of Festa, Laura Nargiwho ran despite the investigation into her for criminal conspiracy which involved a sensational search of her home. She will campaign without her mobile phone: it was confiscated by the police. The investigation halted the progress of the self-appointed mayor “Enjoy” who had staked everything on shows, concerts, fairs and closed streets to encourage evening and pre-holiday spritzes. But not his gods. Nargi organized four lists (120 names running under the Festa banner) and almost all the outgoing councilors responded.

The protagonists

Fratelli d’Italia is also in the field with its own party list (lawyer Modestino Iandoli is candidate) and a team headed by the patron of Avellino (candidate for the European elections with Forza Italia) Antonio D’Agostino and Livio Petitto. The latter is a very interesting political figure who, while in Naples with Caldoro he eliminated the Forzista group in the Region, in Avellino he allied himself with a Forzista to run for the municipality, all as a former political companion of Festa and Nargi whose cumbersome Political friendship was liberated in the blink of an eye.

Petitto and D’Agostino support the Rai journalist Rino Genovese who now finds himself at the head of a group made up (also) of those who left the majority and the Party lists. While D’Agostino clarifies that for months he had distanced himself from the mayor who had promised to let him rebuild the Partenio stadium.
Finally, the Democratic Party, the party that with the Five Stars in the city council in the last council session waged an all-out battle in Festa. The accusations against the former mayor concerned the crazy expenses despite the predisposition, the obsessive attention to concerts and street performances in terms of electoral consensus, and the curious propensity not to publish the council resolutions, but only the decisions. According to the complaints to the prefect and the prosecutor’s office and to the parliamentary questions of Pd and Five Stars, that method prevented both the council from knowing what the executive was doing and companies from participating in public tenders. That would have been the banana peel that literally caused Festa to fall with his resignation and appointment of the municipality to commissioner. The wiretaps and the videos taken in his office are a burden against Festa, in support of the accusations that the Court of Review confirmed last Monday (at the same time, his deputy Laura Nargi decided to take the field directly).

And now the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement, with two other civic lists, will try to capitalize on their complaints. Antonio Gengaro, a lawyer who works at the Municipality of Naples, twenty years ago already deputy mayor with Di Nunno, will lead the Pd M5S coalition also blessed by the parliamentarian Piero De Luca, son of the Governor of Campania (who perhaps for the first time said yes to a alliance with the pentastellati). The list of challengers closes with the UDC nominating Gennaro Romei, Unità Popolare per Avellino with Aldo D’Andrea and Progetto Avellino futuro with Vittorio Bocciero.


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