[Rugby Notizie] Elite men’s Serie A, tomorrow at Battaglini the 179th Italian Derby between Rovigo and Petrarca

[Rugby Notizie] Elite men’s Serie A, tomorrow at Battaglini the 179th Italian Derby between Rovigo and Petrarca
[Rugby Notizie] Elite men’s Serie A, tomorrow at Battaglini the 179th Italian Derby between Rovigo and Petrarca

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 11 May 2024

(AGENPARL) – Sat 11 May 2024 [Rugby Notizie] Elite men’s Serie A, tomorrow at Battaglini the 179th Italian Derby between Rovigo and Petrarca
May 11, 2024
At stake is access to the final on June 2nd and the Adige Cup
Rome – The 179th Italian Derby between the Bersaglieri of Femi-CZ Rugby Rovigo and Rugby Petrarca will go to science tomorrow, Sunday 12 May at 5.00 pm, at the historic Rovigo facility, the Mario Battaglini Stadium.
The match, the third and final round of the play-off semi-finals, will define the second finalist who will take to the field at the Lanfranchi Stadium on June 2nd in Parma to win the title of Absolute Men’s Italian Champion 2023/24.
At stake is not only the pass for the final on June 2nd but also the Adige Cup, a trophy for two friendly but historically rival clubs which takes its name from the river that divides the two provinces of Padua and Rovigo. Established in 2013, it was awarded for the last time (the 36th) on the occasion of the 16th round (24 March), a match played against Rovigo.
The match will be directed by Andrea Piardi from Brescia, assisted by Franco Rosella (Rome) and Alex Frasson (Treviso). TMO Claudio Blessano (Treviso).
RAI Sport and DAZN will guarantee television coverage.
Leading the two teams are Matteo Ferro who will take the field with the red-blue shirt for the 200th time and Andrea Trotta.
Elite men’s Serie A – play off 2023/24
Group 1
Day I: Rugby Viadana – Rugby Colorno 1975, 33-10 (Rest Valorugby Emilia)
II Matchday: Valorugby Emilia – Rugby Colorno 1975, 22-17 (Riposa Rugby Viadana)
Ranking: Rugby Viadana 5; Valorugby Emilia 4; Rugby Colorno 1975 1
Third day, 11/05/24 – 5.00 pm
Viadana (MN), Campo Zaffanella
Rugby Viadana – Valorugby Emilia, referee. Clara Munarini (Parma)
Gdl: Federico Vedovelli (Sondrio) and Riccardo Angelucci (Livorno)
TMO Stefano Roscini (Milan)
Live RAI Sport / DAZN simulcast
Group 2
Matchday 1: Femi-CZ R. Rovigo – Mogliano Veneto Rugby, 29-12 (Rugby Petrarca rests)
II Matchday: Rugby Petrarca – Mogliano Veneto Rugby, 31-21 (Rest Femi-CZ R. Rovigo)
Ranking: Rugby Petrarca 5; Femi-CZ R. Rovigo 4; Mogliano Veneto Rugby 0
Third day, 12/05/24 – 5.00 pm
Rovigo, Battaglini Stadium
Femi-CZ R. Rovigo – Rugby Petrarca, referee. Andrea Piardi (Brescia)
Gdl Franco Rosella (Rome) and Alex Frasson (Treviso)
TMO Claudio Blessano (Treviso)
Live RAI Sport / DAZN simulcast
Femi-CZ R. Rovigo – Rugby Petrarca, the latest from the headquarters
Femi-CZ Rugby Rovigo: Sperandio; Vaccari, Diederich Ferrario, Uncini, Sarto; Dogliani, Chillon; Casado Sandri, Sironi, Meggiato, Ferro (ch.), Steolo; Swanepoel, Giulian, Leccioli.
Available: Cadorini, Quaglio, Lastra Masotti, Zottola, Lubian, Cosi, Bazan Vélez, Lertora.
Head Coach Alessandro Lodi
Davide Giazzon’s comment, coaches ahead: “This Derby will be unique. We, staff and players, want to be one. We will have to give that little something extra to exceed our standards and to aspire to something special. I like to think big and I hope that the boys play without fear, having fun and without setting limits because when they do it is a pleasure to see them on the pitch.”
Rugby Petrarch: Lyle; Scagnolari, De Masi, Broggin, Bellini; Fernandez, Tebaldi; Trotta (cap.), Nostran, Casolari; Ghigo, Galetto; Hughes, Luus, Borean.
Available: Brugnara, Montilla T., Bizzotto, Michieletto, Romanini, Vunisa, Citton, De Sanctis.
Head Coach Andrea Marcato
Marcato’s comment: “We can’t wait to get on the pitch. We know the importance of this match well, and we are delighted to play once again at the Battaglini, where in the last derby there was a wonderful crowd. The image of this match is like that of climbers who are tackling a mountain. Rough road but we are well equipped and well trained. We have the experience to get to the top. We are aware that we are not favourites, but we have to play openly. The best Italian whistle will referee us. He knows us, he already directed the last derby, we will have to adapt to his standards. It will be a match decided by discipline. An inside or outside match. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes will win the game. We trained well, we are calm, the climate is excellent. He will serve the best Petrarca of the season, the one who takes advantage of every mistake of the opponents.”
Simona De Toma
Communication and Media Relations Area
Media Operations Manager
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