Rome postpones the decision on the closure of Reggionline – Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

May 11, 2024

CGIL, CISL and UIL: “The protest is working”. The unions announce a demonstration on May 20: “The ministerial plans moved forward, let’s not stop now”

REGGIO EMILIA – “Now we have a date, something in the fog of state bureaucracy is moving: the start of the senseless ministerial plan that wants to make the Reggio Customs Agency a subordinate satellite has been moved between the end of 2025 and the first months of 2026 of Modena. It means that the action of the entire Reggio Emilia community is opening up a breach, the reorganization plans are not working as someone wanted and now we must not stop”. Thus Mauro Nicolini (FP Cgil), Cristian Villani (CISL Fp Emilia Centrale) and Luigi Raffaele Nacca (Uil Pa) announce a large demonstration planned for next May 20th in front of the headquarters of the Customs Agency (11.30 am).

“We ask for important participation from all institutions, political forces and trade associations: if you scroll through the annals of political news, you will hardly find an issue in Reggio Emilia that has united trade unions and industrialists, local, regional and national parties and institutions more of the rescue of the Customs Agency. Cgil, Cisl and Uil have been able to explain that this is not a battle of the bell tower but the best investment for the Reggio Emilia economy – continue the three trade unionists -: our territory lives and grows thanks to strong commercial relations with foreign countries and the Agency is the playmaker of this system, as demonstrated by the 131 million euros in duties and customs duties confiscated by the State in 2023″.

Nothing in Italy is more definitive than the provisional: indicating an administrative deadline in a year and a half or two has the same level of reliability as a fortune teller’s prophecy. Nonetheless, it is necessary to defend the Reggio Emilia Customs Agency even more by making good use of the time available between now and the end of 2025, in a unitary way and without fragmentation.
“We demand that the parties that have government responsibilities put their face to it and say how they intend to proceed to resolve the problem or persist in this sensational error. Let’s remember that workers vote, entrepreneurs vote and this is one of the strongest weapons we have at our disposal and which we will remember – conclude FP Cgil, Cisl FP Emilia Centrale and Uil Pa -. For years, governments have filled their mouths with words such as meritocracy, productivity, bureaucratic streamlining. Well, now that the Reggio Customs Agency is one of the best and most performing in Italy, someone from Rome wants to bring it down to recover a few pennies, when dozens of bonuses have opened up the chasm in the public accounts. As trade union organizations we maintain that every euro of taxpayers’ money must be spent well but also that the experiences of state and public administration which work because they provide services, answers and make the economy go round should be held up as an example throughout the country”.

Reggio Emilia protest closure customs

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