Today in the newspapers. Aimag belongs to the Municipalities, reiterates the President. Parent comparison Deputy Mayor in Soliera. Liu Jo employee reinstated Current affairs

Today in the newspapers. Aimag belongs to the Municipalities, reiterates the President. Parent comparison Deputy Mayor in Soliera. Liu Jo employee reinstated Current affairs
Today in the newspapers. Aimag belongs to the Municipalities, reiterates the President. Parent comparison Deputy Mayor in Soliera. Liu Jo employee reinstated Current affairs

There is an interview with the President of Aimag, Paola Ruggiero, at the opening of today’s pages of Carpi della Gazzetta. In his answers, Ruggiero is keen to reiterate that the current corporate structure does not justify any statement regarding an alleged control exercised by Hera over the multi-utility. Nor does the appointment of a former Herambiente manager as general management of the Group justify it, she adds in response to a question: he is a competent and experienced manager, the President reiterates, and from now on he will work for the interests of Aimag. The interview also reveals a certain intolerance for the repercussions on the Aimag company of the external political debate, especially at a time when the world of multi-utilities is called great challenges, against the backdrop of rapidly evolving scenarios such as those linked to ‘power. follows

In the second opening, the newspaper gives space to the ongoing confrontation in Soliera between a group of parents from the Muratori nursery school, who denounce the coexistence of school activities with a noisy construction site from which asbestos and fine dust originate, and the Deputy Mayor and Councilor to educational policies, Chiara Zambelli which, while admitting some discomfort, reassures parents about the checks carried out on the construction site by the Local Health Authority and the safety managers and which do not authorize talking about dust and asbestos breathed in by children: which, underlines the Councillor, only translates into spread of unjustified alarmism. Other news from the newspaper concerns Doctor’s entry into the field Fabrizio Artioli with the Uniti per Carpi list which brings together Italia Viva, +Europa and its Laboratorio Carpi, presented in recent days, and the arrest of a 26-year-old by the Soliera carabinieri for an attempted theft.

Il Carlino carries only one piece of news today, in the Carpi news – the complex story of a Liu Jo employee, fired and who the Labor Judge has now decided to reinstate, after initially agreeing with the company -, but dedicates an entire special to the city, taking inspiration from the promotion of Carpi Calcio in Serie C. The special “Carpi to live'” thus includes reports on the footballer-doctor in Economics and Finance, Alessandro Calancaon the episodes that marked the climb towards Serie C, on the president’s family Claudio Lazzarettiabout the team’s sponsors, Cesarino Capelliby Cesarino Gomme, Cesare Roberto (Sarchio) e Fabrizio Monari (Monari Ceramiche), on a historic supporter such as Stefano Guidetti, of Tessilgoal, as well as on the Sporting restaurant of Michele Mele which often hosts footballers.

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