Messina weather, the forecast for today Friday 10 May


The forecast for Friday 10 May at Messina indicate generally stable and rather mild conditions during the day. In the morning, they will be there few clouds with cloud cover that will vary between 24% and the 30%. Temperatures will remain around +19°C. In the afternoon, the sky will present itself serene with cloud cover settling around 15%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +20°C. In the evening, the sky will still be serene with cloud cover around the 10% and temperatures that will remain constant +16°C.

Overnight, conditions will remain stable with few clouds and cloud cover around11%. Temperatures will remain around +16°C. The wind will blow mainly from the West – North West with a speed that will vary between 3.7km/h hey 10.9km/h. Wind gusts will be between 8.1km/h hey 15.7km/h.

The weather forecast for the next few days to Messina indicate a maintenance of atmospheric stability conditions, with generally clear or slightly cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain rather mild. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in temperatures and wind direction to best plan outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Friday 10 May in Messina

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