Perugia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 11 May


Saturday 11 May at Perugia we expect a day of good weather, with clear skies and a few scattered clouds. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +8.5°C and +20.9°C. Wind speed will generally be moderate, with light gusts reaching 21.8km/h. The relative humidity of the air will be around 46-82%, while the atmospheric pressure will be stable at 1017-1019hPa.

During the Night, the weather conditions will be characterized by a few scattered clouds and temperatures between +8.5°C and +10°C. The wind will blow from the North – North East with a speed of around 7-8km/h.

To the morningthe sky will show scattered clouds and a light breeze coming from the North – North East. Temperatures will gradually rise, with values ​​reaching +19.8°C around 11:00.

In the afternoon, the sun will shine on Perugia with a clear sky and 0% cloud cover. Maximum temperatures will be around +20.9°C, while the wind will blow with an intensity of up to 18km/h from the North East.

In eveningthe weather will remain stable with scattered clouds and a light breeze blowing from the North – North East. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching +9.8°C around 11pm.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 11 May Perugia indicate good weather conditions and pleasant temperatures. We recommend enjoying a day outdoors, taking advantage of the favorable conditions. Stay updated for further information on the weather in the next few days in Perugia.

All the weather data for Saturday 11 May in Perugia

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