“Colleagues forced to pay to shower elsewhere, unacceptable inconvenience”

The Salò Carabinieri Barracks, headquarters of the Company and the Station of the same name, is a privately owned building.
The current owner, whose details are unknown, acquired it at least starting from the first months of 2023.
For over ten days the barracks’ boiler has been faulty: this means that there is no heating in the entire building, much less hot water, and this causes considerable inconvenience for the nine soldiers camped in the building.
Five of them are in voluntary custody and six are women, in addition to the entire effective force made up of the Radiomobile Operations Unit, Command Unit and Station which have changing rooms with showers.
It would seem that the inertia of the property is due to the fact that the Prefecture of Brescia has not signed the rental contract and that it pays the “union” minimum.
The boiler technician, who intervened as early as January 2024 – when he would have carried out a first emergency repair, but the conditional is a must – also reported that the heating system is not up to standard and should be completely replaced, adding that no one should take the responsibility of declaring it compliant.
Therefore, at the moment, there are several young colleagues who do not have hot domestic water and whose rooms, where they are obliged to stay overnight, are not heated.
The fact that the majority are young women far from home makes the matter even more annoying.

It should also be remembered that those who leave external services such as Radiomobile and Station, after having had to deal with drug addicts, the injured, the sick or having caught cold and buckets of water, are forced to go home soaked and dirty, unable to wash themselves .
The fact that a contract exists or not between the tenant, i.e. the Prefecture, and the property should not exempt the latter, pursuant to the civil code, from carrying out extraordinary maintenance and repairs.
The barracked soldiers are forced to shower at a local sports center with which they have taken out a subscription that allows them to access almost every day.
As far as we have learned, the Company Headquarters communicated the fault to the owners but it is not known whether the Prefecture of Brescia – which can intervene and take compensation action – was made aware of the fact, whether the hierarchical line understood as the subject who must provide food and accommodation for the soldiers on voluntary leave, has been informed and what measures have been adopted.
Just as it is not known, to date, whether in general anyone, whoever they were, took action to resolve the situation.
Without forgetting that even the families of these children, who include members of the various law enforcement agencies, are wondering how it is possible that one has to pay to take a shower and that, in 2024, one is forced to sleep in the barracks when it is without heating and hot water.
Finally, we agree that, regarding the date of purchase of the property, the data of its ownership, the rent that the Prefecture disburses, regarding any “sum emergency procedures activated” for the restoration of the boiler – which in any case do not it would seem more compliant – and any accommodation solutions sought, all relationships between the Army, the Prefecture and the property are managed exclusively by the Company Command.

The General Secretariat of the New Carabinieri Union in Lombardy

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