Termoli, Campobasso: Confcooperative elects the bodies: Molise is there

ROME. In the evocative setting of the Rome Opera House, inaugurated by the Mameli Hymn, sung by the Schola Cantorum of the Theater and by the message of the Head of State, President Mattarella, the Elective Assembly of Confcooperative took place yesterday and today , the historic and most authoritative organization representing the world of cooperation.

The first day was dedicated to discussions with politics and civil society. Ministers Taiani, Urso, Fitto, Calderone and Locatelli followed one another on the stage for the speeches. Dozens of deputies and senators were present in the audience, as well as the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein and the secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra.

The testimony of the President of the CEI, the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, was particularly engaging. “The ability to combine solidarity and subsidiarity is the most beautiful and wise thing there is: I hope – he concluded addressing Confcooperative – that your protagonism can stimulate both the whole world of cooperation and also the local churches, triggering virtuous processes” the message brought by His Eminence.

Subsequently, the elective phase opened with the report of the President of the Conserve Italia Group, Maurizio Gardini, one of the most important agri-food structures in Italy and Europe.

An intense debate followed which was inaugurated by the speech of Riccardo Terriaca, president of Confcooperative Molise. An intense comparison, full of content and full of good cooperation, civil economy, economic democracy and, above all, the declared desire to put the importance of the human person back at the center of the public debate, respecting the teachings of the social doctrine of the church , which remain the coordinates that trace the organizational route of Confcooperative.

The speech by Domenico Guidotti, representative of the Molise fisheries cooperation, was also highly appreciated, underlining the authority of Confcooperative in the world of fishing.

In the end the organs were renewed. Maurizio Gardini confirmed as President, with plebiscite consensus. Important recognition also for Molise, with the election of Riccardo Terriaca to the national body.

“Two days of intense work, very satisfying. Now a new season of challenges opens for the construction of a better future, a future with greater cooperation which means a future in which no one will have to be left alone” declared the Director of Confcooperative Molise, Carmela Colozza.

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