Works between Terni and Foligno, the stop at Orte is skipped and commuters riot

Works between Terni and Foligno, the stop at Orte is skipped and commuters riot
Works between Terni and Foligno, the stop at Orte is skipped and commuters riot

Transport – The stop of the train coming from Rieti has been cancelled, but the president of Copeo Lara Scapigliati protests: “We cannot be the ones to lose out, the region must do something”

by Alessandro Castellani

Orte – Commuters from Orte are also losing out due to the ongoing works on the Terni-Foligno route. Due to the interventions on the line in Umbria, which cause its temporary interruption, Trenitalia has communicated changes to the railway offer, in which the cancellation of the Orte stop for the regional train 4256, which from Rieti arrives at Rome Termini, is expected.

A measure in force from today until June 7, which has provoked lively protests from the Copeo – Orte Commuters Committee, which is missing one of the busiest trains to reach the capital.

“Due to the works between Terni and Foligno – explains the president of Copeo, Lara Scapigliati – Umbrian travelers have fewer trains available and therefore they flock to the Rieti regional train, which before arriving in Orte passes through Terni and Narni. It is a train with very few carriages and the consequence is that the train fills up immediately. So they decided to solve the problem by removing the Orte stop.”

“In the days before the cancellation of the Orte stop – continues Scapigliati – Polfer even had to intervene to ensure that the influx on the train was regular”.

The commuters from Orto, however, are on a war footing and intend to ask the Lazio region to intervene. “No one wants to create inconveniences to commuters in Umbria, but a problem cannot be solved by creating problems for someone else – says Scapigliati -. We will formally ask the Lazio region, which is responsible for the Rieti regional train, to have the Orte stop restored. Let us always remember that we are talking about the most important station in the province of Viterbo“.

The commuters’ representative also puts forward her own proposal to stem the emergency. “Wouldn’t it be possible – she asks – to increase the number of carriages in the Rieti regional train, at least until the end of the works between Terni and Foligno, so that there is room for everyone?”.

Alessandro Castellani

May 9, 2024

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