Bologna, the Champions League and honorary citizenship for Joey Saputo


While Bologna – having secured the Europa League placement – is one step away from the Champions League, the mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore is thinking of a special tribute for the rossoblu president Joey Saputo, or honorary citizenship. The mayor’s proposal will now be voted on by the city council. In the past, not without some initial controversy, he also became an honorary citizen to the then coach of Bologna Fc Sinisa Mijailovicthen passed away due to illness.

Lepore’s proposal comes at the end of an extraordinary season for Bologna football, which brought Bologna back to the top of the Serie A table after many years. Also in the background is the project for the new Dall’Ara stadium, the result of an agreement between rossoblù management and municipal administration.

“A valuable entrepreneur, a friend and a full citizen of Bologna”. This is how the mayor justified the proposal for honorary citizenship for the Canadian. Bologna’s bond with Saputo, says Lepore, “certainly comes from the commitment and passion with which he leads the BFC, which sees in this season the culmination of many sacrifices and determination. But it doesn’t just stop there”. In the ten years since his arrival in the city, the mayor continues, Saputo “has learned to know and love Bologna. This is demonstrated by his increasingly longer periods of stay in the city and the attention he pays to many initiatives in our territory” . For this reason, concludes the mayor, “I proposed to the city council to grant Saputo honorary citizenship, in recognition of his being fully part of our community”.

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“I sincerely thank the mayor for the proposal to grant me honorary citizenship of Bologna. I can only say that it would be a great honor for me: in these ten years, and especially in the last one, which I have spent entirely in the city, I have gotten to know Bologna and the people of Bologna , and today I now feel an integral part of this community”, was Saputo’s reply. “I also believe that the club of which I have the honor of being president – comments the rossoblù owner – can and must play an important role in enhancing the territory it represents and this is also why the mayor’s proposal makes me proud”.

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