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Sports, recreational and educational activities: above all many opportunities for spend the summer together having fun in the city with other boys and girls, boys and girls.

I am online on the institutional website of Educational services of the Municipality of Modena updated lists of managers of summer activities addressed to range 9-36 months and summer centers for range 3-13 years (17 years in the case of children with disabilities). The registers make available a plurality of proposals, different in educational, organizational and management typology. Notices for requesting vouchers to cover attendance costs will also be published shortly. Furthermore, it is already possible to submit an application to the manager educational-assistance staff for children and young people with disabilities who attend primary and secondary schools.

Enrollment in one of the summer centers in the municipal register allows you to submit a request for weekly contributions, up to 100 euros, for a maximum of 300 euros in total, to cover attendance costs and to apply for educational assistance personnel in the case of a child with a disability. All the activities are contained in the lists formed through public tender and parents can contact the structures directly using the references indicated.

In particular, for children and teenagers from 3 to 13/17 years the “Summer in the Center 2024” offer is made up of over 90 proposals: to the ban published by the municipal administration 62 managers responded who will organize sporting, recreational and entertainment activities in sports centers, schools and farms; in some cases it even covers the entire summer, from June to September.

For the band from 9 to 36 months of age are expected around thirty activities within the “R-Summer at the nursery” project, carried out by 21 accredited subjects and specifically tailored for the little ones who attend nursery schools. The managers on the list have signed up to a fee-calming pact, also through the economic support of the municipal administration in consideration of the higher organizational costs, which provides that the maximum fee for the family does not exceed the cost of 120 euros per week for a full-time position and 90 euros for part-time, the remaining amount being paid by the municipal administration.

Among the proposals on the list are also the summer activities scheduled in the educational services managed by Cresci@mo, aimed primarily at children attending the Foundation’s schools during the year, but also at those of municipal, state, affiliated and Fism schools who have registered for educational services via the One-Stop Registration Office.

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