Salerno, beach establishments ready to fight: «Concessions? Fair rules”

Like the waves of the sea that come and go, they agitate the waters, creating havoc and announcing a storm. Chaos and lack of clarity reign among the managers of the beach establishments in…

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Like the waves of the sea that come and go, they agitate the waters, creating havoc and announcing a storm. Chaos and little clarity reign among the managers of the Salerno bathing establishments who, after the failure to extend the maritime state concessions, have to deal with the confusion generated by the choices and with the start of a new summer season now upon us. Indeed, in some areas it seems to have already started.

Between structures not yet ready, unfavorable weather and organization of the works, the Council of State blocked the extension of the concessions sending everyone back “to the tender” but at the same time leaving – in any case – everyone in limbo, stating in summary that there is no rule that can “compensate” the old managers of the factories who could thus lose any calls for tenders for the assignments.

The decision of the Municipalities

At this point, however, I am Common to decide how to behave. Wherever you go… rule you will find: among the municipal offices of the province of Salerno there are those who have chosen to respect the deadline of 31 December 2024starting the tender procedures for the new concessions, those who have chosen not to choose and are awaiting further developments and those who will wait until 31 December 2025. In short, the chaos that heralds further protest and the consequent request to the government by the Sib (beach union) after the appeal made in the streets of Rome on 11 April.

He is and will be leading the people of Salerno Alfonso Amoroso who has acted as spokesperson, even in these hours, for the concerns of the beach managers: «The situation is complicated and It depends on the government’s choices – Amoroso clarified – whoever is currently in the majority was in our favor when he was in opposition. The whole sector is in total confusion because the Council of State on the same day says that we must proceed with the tenders for the concessions and then that they cannot be done if the requirements are not met to be able to give compensation to the outgoing concessionaire”. In short, everything and the opposite of everything that leaves the operators of the sector with a bad taste in their mouths: «It is clear that, if I were to lose the plant that I created and carried out for years I must be compensated – said the president Bb Salerno – at least of the investment. Our future is uncertain.”

The confusion of concessions

And as in a singular handover, pyramid management is not helpful. After the State, there are the Regions having to manage state concessions. The latter in turn, as in a real subcontracting, pass everything on to the municipal administrations: «In the province of Salerno there are municipalities that have adopted the Draghi law of 2022 which provided for the postponement of the completion of the tenders, others have mandated the offices to prepare the procedures, still others are carrying out a census of existing concessions in the territories, many are waiting. We live in confusion and uncertainty – he concluded – while summer is upon us and we pay all the expenses with the obligations assumed with the municipal body ».

«Moreover, we have already committed to our customers. We will not stand by and will hold a demonstration on June 2nd to try in every way to convince and urge everyone to intervene and clarify, standardizing the activities of the municipal administrations. The Municipalities of Salerno e Pontecagnano, for example, have only renewed until December 31, 2024 while waiting for updates. To Amalfi they asked the offices to start preparing the tenders, Maiori is carrying out a census of the areas. We do not demand an immediate solution but at least that the activities be standardized. Summer has already started and we risk losing everything we will create today.”


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